Chapter 29.

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And I'm baaaaaaack
With another chapter!
I've really been killing it lately! Like literally! Let's see if I can post a chapter everyday till we get out of school (which is literally a week)


On with the chapter!


"There back?" Asks Sarada. Sasuke nods and Sarada smiles. "Yes! Can I go read them now?" Asks Sarada. Sasuke shakes his his head.

"Wait, I've called everyone over so we can read the test results all together." Says Sasuke. Sarada sighs and sits down.

"So, dad, can you rightfully tell me that there not your children?" Asks Sarada. Sasuke sighs. "Not exactly. But, you shouldn't exactly be mad. If Rin is 19 and Rini is 17, it happened before you and your mother were even thought of." Says Sasuke.

Sarada sighs. "I guess your right," she says as she hears the doorbell ring and thinking it's Boruto she runs to get it.

She opens the door and disappointedly lets them in. "Oh, it's just you." She says and lets them walk past her.

"Good to see you Sarada!" Says Lani. This women seriously thinks we're that cool? Thinks Sarada to herself.

"Yeah yeah whatever," Says Sarada sitting back down on the couch. "Hey! Show some respect to your soon-to-be step mother!" Says Rini making Sarada roll her eyes. "Sure, I'll give her as much respect as I give you." Says Sarada making Rini smile. "Which isn't any at all." She adds making her smile turn into a scowl.


******Jk this didn't happen but that's what I would've done if I was Sarada********

"Y'know you should respect your older sister more." Says Rin speaking for the first time. Sarada tsks. "Like I respect any of you," she says as her and Rini get into an argument.

"Sarada! Calm down! Stress isn't good for the baby dear." Says a calming voice. Sarada stops yelling and turns to the once Hyuuga, now Uzamaki.

She smiles and hugs Hinata. "Your right I shouldn't be as reckless." Says Sarada as she suddenly becomes teary eyed.

"Sarada dear, I didn't mean to make you cry!" Says Hinata.

Boruto sighs. "Don't worry mom, this has become almost an every day thing." Says Boruto.

He sits beside Sarada and embraces her. "Sara, can you stop crying? It wasn't your fault." Says Boruto calming towards her.

Sarada continues to cry. "I know but I can't stop knowing that I just put our child in danger." Says Sarada. Boruto sighs once again. "Look Sara, your putting our child in even more danger by crying so how how about you just stop okay?" Asks Boruto sweetly as he hugs her.

Sarada sniffles and stops. "O-okay," she says and settles into his embrace.

"Aww!" Says Hinata as she takes a picture of Boruto and Sarada. I'll save this for Sakura. She'll be dying to have some pictures once we get her back.

"So, it is true. Sarada Uchiha is pregnant, just like the slut she is." Says Rini. Sarada turns her way and was about to remark when her father says something.

"Rini! You shouldn't-" "Wait, Sasuke. Let's wait and see how this turns out. I'm dying to see Sarada's first pregnant cat fight. I remember Sakura's like it was yesterday." Says Naruto making Sasuke sigh. Certainly, this wouldn't turn out so good.

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