Chapter 5.

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Boruto's father walked through the door, leaving me, ainxous. I just had to know why all of a sudden did it matter that I was an Uchiha.

"Listen, Sarada, I'm about to explain this all to you." He Says. I nod. Here it goes. No matter what they tell you you can't freak out. It's just not in your nature of doing things.

"Where apart of a mafia, called Leaf. Of course there's smaller ones like the Uchiha mafia and even my mafia, the Uzamaki mafia. You do know what mafia's are right?" He asks me. I nod. We learned about them at school, how there's a lot in
bigger and popular states like New York, California, Florida, And even more.

"So my fathers apart of one?" I ask. He nods. "And we're gonna find him, he'll help us find your mom." He Says. I nod. "Okay," I mumble softly.


I walk outside. I would walk home, by myself. Usually my mom would assist me by driving me or even walking with me, but she was gone. She might not even come back.

Thinking those thoughts, my eyes clouded with tears. This was so unfair, having to be by myself when it was only just me and my mother in the beginning.

"Sara watch out!" Yells someone scooping me up. I look around. I was so into my thoughts that I hadn't noticed a car coming whilst I crossed the road. I had almost died.

I look up at my savior. "T-thank you, Boruto." I say.

He smiles. "No problem, that's what friends are for." He says making me smile. Friends...that's a nice word.

"So, I was wondering. How about we sneak away and take matters into our own hands." He says as I stand. "What do you mean by that?" I ask. He smirks. "What I mean is, let's go find your father. Just me and you. Oh and Big bro Konohamaru." He says pointing to Konohamaru who was in the lino behind us.

"And I'll be coming too!" States another voice making Boruto roll his eyes. "I forgot about you." He says making me laugh lightly.

C'mon Sarada, regain your senses. This whole  idea is...retarded!

"But Boruto-" "C'mon. Loosen up. Let's go!" He says grabbing my arm.

"O-Okay then!"

Originally I ACCIDENTALLY deleted the chapter and here is the rewritten version that I enjoy more actually. It's short. Smile. Gets to the point.

But minding that, I wanted to ask if I should rewrite this book after I finish reading it bc this probably sucks lol.

Anyway, make sure you
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(Figure out what that means lol)

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