Chapter 31.

407 11 4

Month 1...

April 6th, 2017

"Sarada!" Calls a voice. Sarada turns and sees her mother's teacher Tsunade.

"Oh! Ms. Tsunade!" She says and hugs her. Now this, was one of her other mother figures. She had atleast four of them since she stays around her friends a lot, and a lot were her moms friends.

"So Sarada is it true, that your pregnant." Asks Tsunade whispering the last part. Sarada laughs. "You don't have to whisper, basically the whole school knows. There's nothing to hide. And yes, I am pregnant. With twins." Adds on Sarada.

Tsunade smiles. "Well, Sarada, Congrats to you and Boruto! But can I also ask of this?" She Asks. Sarada nods. "Can I deliver your baby? And be your personal doctor throughout your pregnancy? It'd be a blessing since I never really got to deliver or see you," She says. Sarada nods immediately making Tsunade smile almost immediately.

"Well, I shouldn't hold you anymore Sarada. Have a good rest of the day!" Says Tsunade. Sarada walks towards the exit. School was over and it was now, the weekend. Exams would begin next week.

"Hey, What took you so long?" Asks Boruto as he puts his arm over her.

"I was talking to Ms. Tsunade. I agreed to have her be my personal doctor throughout the pregnancy and to deliver the baby." Says Sarada. Boruto smiles. "Besides that point, I wanna take you out. Our first official date with the twins." Says Boruto. Sarada smiles.

"I wish we could but aren't you forgetting something?" She asks.

"What?" Asks Boruto making Sarada sigh deeply.

"Exams are next week. And mines aren't even as important as yours. Your graduating! I still have my senior year to look forward to!" Says Sarada.

Boruto sighs. "Fine then, we can have a study date." Says Boruto making Sarada roll her eyes. "Fine but, I need to go to the mall." Says Sarada.

"Why?" He asks. Sarada blushes. "Because, these twins are getting big already and half of my clothes don't even fit me!" Says Sarada angrily.

"Ugh Fine, But I'm dropping you off. With  Chocho and someone to follow behind and ahead of you." Says Boruto making Sarada roll her eyes. "Why do I have to be followed and watched? I'm not a baby Boruto!" Says Sarada angrily.

"Don't worry about it Sara, you'll find out in due time." Says Boruto. Sarada sighs. "Fine, I'll go. As long a I can't see whose watching me." Says Sarada.

Boruto nods and kisses her on the cheek.


Sarada knocks on the door impatiently. She was just dropped off about ten minutes ago and now and no one would answer the door.

After a few more minutes Boruto comes to the door and opens it out of breath. "Sorry, Inojin And Mitsuki were over." Says Boruto. Sarada nods and walks through the door as Boruto let's her in.

Sarada raises a brow as she looks around the living room. The living room was filled with rose petals and candles. And looked very romantic but, Sarada wasn't looking forward to that. She just wanted to go home and sleep. And that's also what the baby wanted.

Sarada turns to Boruto as he blushes. "It's not what it looks like!" Says Boruto. Sarada stares with her arms crossed looking for an explanation.

"It's true. When we came over we decided to decorate it for a romantic date between you two." Says Mitsuki making Sarada turn to him. Sarada rolls her eyes. "Whatever, can we just finish study and goto sleep?" Asks Sarada.

Boruto nods and turns to Mitsuki and Inojin, glaring.

"Okay! Okay! We know when we're not wanted!" Says Inojin And he opened the door. "Bye Boruto! See you at school tomorrow!" Says Mitsuki as they leave.

Boruto runs his hands through his hair. "Do you want me to blow out the candles or-" "No, it's fine. I kinda like them." Says Sarada making Boruto sighs at her sudden mood swings.

Sarada laughs at his expression! "What are you waiting for! Go get your books Boruto!" She says sitting down on the couch. Boruto sighs once again and kisses her on the lips. "Your lucky I love you..." He says, trailing off, making Sarada laugh even more.

She pulls Boruto into an embrace, all tiredness suddenly gone from within her. "Who couldn't love you, Boruto?" Says Sarada as they kiss once more.


Back Somewhere very, very, very, far away from where Boruto and Sarada are....

"Well, well Sarada. Seems like there's some very good news between your daughter." Says a voice making Sakura jump. She laughs dryly. "You haven't came in days, I thought you left me here to die for sure. But that would be the best thing to expect." Says Sakura.

The voice laughs. "Whatever you say Sakura, But, you know deep down inside you'd love to see your family once again." He says mocking Sakura.

Sakura rolls her eyes. "You won't get away with whatever your planning, Madara Uchiha."

Once again, Don't I always pull some shit like this?But I am in LOVE with this photo! They look soooo cwuuuuuuute!!😍😍😍Anyway, how was it?Strange?Interesting?Amazing?Lemme know in the comments!

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Once again,
Don't I always pull some shit like this?
But I am in LOVE with this photo!
They look soooo cwuuuuuuute!!
Anyway, how was it?
Lemme know in the comments!

So how do you guys think this is gonna turn out?
I'm struggling between deciding on putting Kaguya in my story in my story or not but, I guess you'll find out later.

Anyway, questions!

How do you think this'll all turn out?

What do you think my next plot twist'll be?

And do you guys want Shikadai and ChoCho together?

Make sure you
And Comment!
Yours truly, -jazzy loved-anime
Love you babes!

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