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No no no no no why did lauren have to come at this moment. What the fuck is actually wrong with her.
Because of her......

......I lost y/n.

I can't do this anymore.
She probably must be hating me right now. She believed lauren...well she is actually good in acting but i-i cant.

What's the point of living right if y/n is not there?

I'm going to cut my wrist. Its ok , y/n probably doesnt want me now anyways. So its of no use living anymore.

I'll go find a razor...aha found it.

Ok let's do it.

Taehyung - AAH!

i-i cut my wrist. Its stings but its worth it.

Then suddenly all I could see was black.

~ Y/N POV ~

I'll just go talk to taehyung about it.

I went over to his old apartment...he didnt come home so obviously he went back to his home.

I knocked and ringed the bell. No response. I ringed again. No response.

Omg what happened to taehyung!? Is he ok!?

You suddenly stepped on something hard.
You bent down and lifted up the door mat. There you found a spare key. You opened the door. You couldn't find him anywhere.

You went to his bedroom.

and you saw him laying on the ground with blood around his wrist and on his shirt a bit.

You started to tear up.

Y/n - no no taehyung..wake up! I need you please wake up.

You quickly called 911.

The police came over and took taehyung to the hospital.

~ a few minutes later ~

I'm so worried about him. What if...

No no dont think like that...think positive.

Suddenly the nurse enters.

Nurse - is anybody here for mr.taehyung?

Y/n - yes me!

Nurse - are you related to him in some kind of way

Y/n - um yea...

Nurse - ok please follow me.

You followed her to some room with a doctor sitting on a desk and two chairs. The desk was covered up with a lot of papers and a few pens scattered around. the doctor was reading some documents.

Doctor - oh you must be y/n?

Y/n - yes *nods*

Doctor - well please take a seat.

You went over to sit over there.
He placed the documents down and placed his elbows over the desk.

Doctor - ok so there's a good news and a bad news...well not really a bad news

You gulped.

Doctor - which one first?

Y/n - t-the bad news..*u said stuttering*

Doctor - don't worry...its not too bad news. The good news will make the bad news even better.

You nod.

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