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Doctor - oh wow. Well I just gotta say that y/n keep saying the word 'taehyung' over and over again.

I was shocked as fuck.
I saw jin glancing at hoseok.

Doctor - she is not eating her medicine. If she doesnt Take her medicine she won't get healed sooner as thats a really deep cut. And that cute will take months to heal but the mark will still be present. The medicine is needed for the quick heal and protection. May I know who or what is this 'taehyung'?.

Omg! Y/n suffered these all cuz of me....
Ok im curious to know their reply.

Hoseok - oh he is her boyfrien-

Jin - he is her brother.

Ouch , it hurts.

Doctor - sir honest please.

Jin - ex-boyfriend. *sigh*

Doctor - hmm ok , looks like she still miss him. You have to bring him back even if she or him hates each other. Atleast you can tell him to sit at the corner otherwise it can cause a danger in her life.

Jin - thank u , doc. May we go see her now?

Doctor - sure , take your time. But right now she is asleep. Do not disturb her if she is asleep.

Jin - yes , doc. Gumawo.


I and the rest went inside y/n's Room. We saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed. Cute.

I weng close and sat beside her while the rest sat down beside her.

Me and the rest hold onto y/n's hands. It was cold.

Jin - im sorry y/n you had to suffer all this because of taehyung. I know it was not your fault. It is all his. He lost someone who truly loved him. He wasnt even allowing me to explain the truth to him that it was actually your sister and not someone else. But that asshole won't listen. I'm sorry y/n. Im really sorry.

Everyone held onto her hand tightly. They started tearing up. I knew how they felt. Me and the rest were really really really close friends of y/n. We were friends for like 8 years and she helps us in everything everywhere everytime.

She treated us like her brothers and we treated her like her sister. But then taehyung came and caused a disaster. That guy doesnt even know the pain for us. Its only been months when taehyung and y/n started dating.

Y/n - t-taehyung....

She is still thinking about him *sigh*

~ Y/N POV ~

I heard someone saying something.

Jin - im sorry y/n you had to suffer all this because of taehyung. I know it was not your fault. It is all his. He lost someone who truly loved him. He wasnt even allowing me to explain the truth to him that it was actually your sister and not someone else. But that asshole won't listen. I'm sorry y/n. Im really sorry.

After hearing , I wanted to tear up so badly but I held my tears in.
I recognised the voice...jin.

I love him and every other member. They are the best-est types of brothers any human being could possibly have.

I remembered something.

Y/n - t-taehyung...

I heard jin sigh.

Y/n - I still love him but I guess its of no u-use now. Isnt it?

Everyone gasped seeing me open my eyes and say this.

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