Chapter Four

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She didn't even hesitate, her gun was before her and she was firing repeatedly at the Jaffa who were attacking.  She kept firing until all her clips were empty. She lowered the gun having a panic attack, it was the first time she'd ever fired a gun before. 

She dropped it and scratched at her wrists. It was her old comforting habit that calmed her down. She rubbed her face and used her radio to tell Colonel O'Neill where they were. She was having a panic attack and Teal'c had been severely injured. She didn't know if his symbiote could heal him on its own.  

She did her best to tourniquet to get the bleeding to stop anyway. "It's going to be okay, Teal'c I promise." She said with a smile and established a perimeter to make sure they would be safe. She didn't have any rounds left in her hand gun. Teal'c had lost his staff and didnt have any clips left. 

So she did the logical thing and stole two from the dead Jaffa that attacked them. She had fired these before, but she wasn't sure she could defend them without backup. She rubbed her arms and pointed the staff weapon and pointed it when she heard footsteps and then lowered it seeing it was the others.

"Sir I established a perimeter, I did my best to stop the bleeding in Teal'c's thigh and I ran out of clips so I stole the staff weapons." She said as she gave the situation to Jack. 

"Okay. Carter, Jackson, make camp. Daniel see if you recognize the symbols on the Jaffa's heads. Rebekah and I will take care of Teal'c." Jack gave the orders. He sighed and sat down next to Teal'c. 

"Sir, we can stretch our food but waters going to be a problem." Sam said as she approached after doing the food count. "I'll go fill the canteens up with Daniels help."

"Do it." Jack said and he went to check the perimeter. Teal'c was unconscious but responsive. That was good.

"Teal'c is strong, he's been through worse." Andrew said and helped get a fire so they could cook their food. She'd been temporarily removed from SG1 because of her relationship with Andrew but then reassigned once it was vaild she was vital part of the team like Daniel.

 She'd been temporarily removed from SG1 because of her relationship with Andrew but then reassigned once it was vaild she was vital part of the team like Daniel

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That night, they decided to get to the gate. She dialed home and was the last one through the gate.

General Hammond ordered leave for them until Teal'c had recovered. She was called into his office.

"Sir, I don't quite understand why I'm in here." She said as she took a seat across from him.
"Doctor, you've been through a lot lately and I know you've been fighting feelings for Major Jackson. Those Jaffa you killed? They were part of the Rebellion." He said firmly.
"Sir those Jaffa were firing on me and Teal'c shouting Shol'va at him." She replied. "When Teal'c wakes up, you can talk to him about it. Now excuse me, sir but didn't you give me an order to get some rest?" She asked.
"Very well, Rebekah. But just be careful." Hammond said and dismissed her.

She did what he said and took her rest.

But she only really spent the time cataloging her artifacts for the museum she was partnering with and she smiled when the last guy left for the night

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But she only really spent the time cataloging her artifacts for the museum she was partnering with and she smiled when the last guy left for the night.

She set the clipboard down when she had a chance and made sure to log every entry into the computer.

She never saw the attack coming.  She woke up in the infirmary and sat up a little. She looked around and then wrote down all she knew about that night for Janet to give the Colonel and General Hammond.

She smiled, painfully but a smile

"Colonel her emotional state of mind are mostly what I'm worried about." Said Janet as she stood looking for her friend. "Colonel I think we should hope for the best."

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