Chapter Twenty-Seven

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He pushed some hair out of her face and smiled softly at her. She was protective of him, he thought. She wouldn't let anybody else touch him but her. He held her face in his hands.

She looked him in the eye and then kissed him smiling softly. She smiled at him and kissed him again. "I love you, Andy." She whispered. She kissed his cheek and when they finally escaped, Rebekah was relieved to get back to the SGC.

She was happy to be back in her regular outfit of boots army pants and a baggy oversized shirt.  She stood with her hands in her pockets as she watched Natalie learn how to draw in detail.  She walked away when she heard her name come over the intercom.

She come running into the briefing room. "We need to dial out. To a random planet." She said as she tried to catch her breath.  "The Priors can't get through if we have our gate active. It'll only buy us 38 minutes but it's more than enough if her just keep glittering random addresses on a feedback dial loop."

"Colonel Carter will it work?" Landry asked.

"Sir it's worth a shot." Sam said and did everything Rebekah said to set the dial out loop.

"Let's hope this works." She crossed her fingers and cheered when it kept dialing. It worked until the Priors gave up trying to get to earth.

She hugged Sam as they jumped with joy.  She was so happy they were safe for the time being.

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