Chapter Twenty-Six

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She was out of it when she felt someone kiss her head. Then it all went black as she collapsed.  She hadnt been feeling good since she'd gotten back but she thought it was just her period.

She woke up and it took her a minute to adjust cause she couldn't see well. "What..what happened?" She asked as she moved so she wasn't on her back which made her curl up in a ball on the infirmary.

"We'll you just collasped when Andrew gave you a good job kiss on the head." Cameron said as he sat beside her. "We had to carry you here from level 13." He held her hand. "Andrew went off world with Sam Daniel and Teal'c to work through your theory about the Priors staffs."

She nodded and fell back asleep as Natalie came in and cuddled up next to her.

Cameron grabbed Natalie and got her out if the room when Rebekah started to have convulsions.

"Sir, I'm out of my depth. She's not responding to treatment and she's restrained for the moment so she doesnt hurt herself from the convulsions." Doctor Lam said as she looked at her dad. "I don't really know what to do now.  We have to wait."

"Doctor Lam to isolation lab 1" came through the intercom.

Rebekah was flatlining and Andrew was too out in the field. Sam and Daniel carried him back as Teal'c had their six.

"Doctor Lam, I need answers." Landry said as he watched their conditions improve slowly as they were in the same room.

"Sir it's like there's a bond between them that if they spend too much time apart they go into convulsions and flatline. I'm out of depth." She said and looked at him. "I need help sir. Thor is probably out best bet."

"Doctor Jackson, Colonel Mitchell and Colonel Carter, contact the Asgard. Tell them it's of the utmost importance as Doctor Marshall and Major Jackson are laying in a unknown state of medical emergency." Landry ordered.

"Teal'c I need you to stay here and help restrain them if they try to fight you." Landry ordered.

"Yes General Landry." Teal'c said and went to the isolation lab.

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