Chapter Three

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        The clicking of heels echoed through the quiet room. My head rested on my hand and I mindlessly took the notes our math teacher wrote on the board. Her black heel drove me crazy as she continued to walk around checking that we've taken her notes. As she walked her black hair swayed back and fourth to the beat of her steps.

        Soon the bell rang and I quickly packed up my things and shoved my pencil in the pocket of the dark wash skinny jeans. My heels quietly clicked on the way to my locker. As I bent my head down to open my locker my blonde hair fell as a curtain for who ever would approach me. I continued to throw things into my locker when the smell of Niall filled the air. His cologne was strong but smelt really good.

        "Afternoon Niall." I said slamming my locker shut. A grin appeared on his face.

        "So you know my name princess?" he teased. I rolled my eyes and headed down the art room. 

        Niall happened to follow close at my heels. I sighed then sharply turned into the room. As soon as I did the smell of paint fumes hit my face. I coughed at first but then got used to the smell. 

        I took a seat next to Jasmine and the others and opened my sketch book. My hand flew effortlessly across the paper. Once I was done I'd drawn a perfect replica of Niall. Only in the background he was pictured as a monster. I quickly took the paper and tore it to pieces. If Niall ever saw it I would be dead.

        For the rest of the time we were told to draw our biggest fear. This was easy. But I picked up my pencil and once again drew Niall. Only I stood next to him in a white wedding gown. My face showed fear while his showed lust. He had my wrist in his big hands. The yard was empty but it looked as if we had already gotten married.

        Without time to start a new drawing I just gave up and turned it into the teacher and gathered my pencils and shading tools. The bell then rang. It was my last class of the day. My necklace bounced as I ran towards my locker. Since I was in tall heels I almost fell a few times. But I couldn't care less.  

        I said my good-byes to my friends but just as I was about to leave Niall and my names got called to the art room. My heart started beating and I lead Noah to come with me. If I wasn't mistaken my heart had just dropped to my stomach. As we walked to the room, every step I took felt heavier. But Noah pushed me on. 

        "Afternoon Niall, Raelynn." The principle said. My teacher had a concerned look on her face.

        "I would like to talk about the drawing you drew today." The man said. I pursed my lips and chewed on the inside of my cheek as he showed Niall and my brother the drawing, "They were told to draw their biggest fears." He added on. 

        "Why this one?" My teacher asked. I looked at the ground.

        "Cause its true..." I whispered.

        The silence was eating me alive. In that time I could have sworn I heard Nialls heart drop and shatter into a million pieces.

        "You can go now." He dismissed us. I was the first out the door. Noah chased after me but it wouldn't work.

        I continued to run down the road. I turned into the woods next to the school. My breathing became heavy as I ran down the path. The cold air stung my throat but I was desperate for it. As I was running down a hill my foot slipped from under me causing me to fall straight on my back. The wind was knocked out of me. I lay there gasping for air, but it was troubling getting it back into my lungs. Then I began to sputter and cough. 

        Why couldn't I just be normal? Once my breathing became normal I began to walk around in search for my old hide out. Once I found the tree I began to climb up the old ladder. I pulled my body onto the wood and walked into the little tree house. My blankets and boxes were still there. 

        I smiled as I sat on the old pile of blankets. The memories of when I used to run away daily. Of when something got tough I would just flee the scene. Not to be heard from till the next day. 

         It was truly amazing how I always got away with it...

        The bitter cold soon started nipping at my pale skin. I sighed and watched my breath disappear into the air. I carefully scaled down the ladder and made my way through the quiet woods. Nothing moved besides the leaves and twigs I stepped on. 

So how was that? ~Nemo

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