Chapter Seven

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                "Niall can you hand me that box of pants?" I asked him from my place in the closet. 

        He did as he was told and then sat on the giant bed. Instead of making me stay in that tiny room he allowed me to stay in the master bedroom. Once we re-painted the chipping walls it looked as good as new. Since we painted that room we ended up painting all the walls of the house, even in the kitchen. Niall really hasn't been that much of a bastard the past two weeks. 

        Not only has he allowed me to fix up the house, but he's helping with the long process. Walls got painted in every room, curtains were hung up to match the colors and some furniture was replaced. It was like he didn't want me to ever leave the house. 

        Once we were done in my room we fixed up the small room he'd stay in whenever he would come over. After all that was done I'd finally had a place I could call home, for now anyways. Niall left soon after leaving me to tend to folding and other small things. 

        After I knew he'd gone I walked into my bed room and started putting away my clothing. My shoes were put on a small rack that stood in the closet.  My pants and skirts were folded and put neatly in the dresser that held up my old TV.

        The silence of the house slowly ate me alive. I flopped down on my bed and huffed. The smell of my house leaked from the duvet that laid on my bed. The thoughts of my family littered my mind. As well as Harry's visit. 
        "One day I'll get away from this place," I said thinking of all the places I could possibly go. 

        But nothing came to mind, Niall would always find me. Maybe kill me if he had too, who knew. 

        I turned my head and sat up from my bed and followed the faint noise to the living room. Someone was unlocking the door, their shadow clearly showed that it wasn't Harry. Instead its was the boy in the hallway, Zayn maybe? It looked like him. 
        Once he got inside the small house he looked at me. He looked at the bruises that were on my wrists and legs from Harry. All he did was shake his head and walk towards me, almost like he didn't want to hurt nor scare me. 
        "Niall knows I'm here, I wont hurt you Raelynn," he said carefully. 

        My body was against the wall, the smell of dry paint burned my nose, making me cough. Zayn pulled me away from the wall and wrapped his tattooed arms around me. I buried my face in his black shirt and the tears just flowed out of me. He held my shaking body and whispered things in my ear, trying to make me calm down. 

        "W-Why are you h-helping me?" I stuttered out. 

        "You're the most broken girl I've ever met. Its Disappointing," he said.  

        My eyes met his, only his burned into mine trying to see everything he needed to fix. Only I was unfixable. They all ruined me, they just didn't realize that yet. All of them thought I was just this random broken girl, who doesn't remember the last time she was happy. Only I did, and it was before they came into my life. 
        Zayn ended up staying for awhile, talking to me about this situation and why it happened. Niall was close to getting caught with the abuse towards me, he needed to get away and taking me with him as well. At the moment Niall was laying low but he couldn't completely disappear at the same time as I did. 

        "So is that why he's been so nice to me? Because he's gonna end up trapped in this house as well soon?" I asked him. 

        "Yeah," Zayn said looking around the dimly lit living room. 

        "Great," I said sarcastically. 

        "It wont be so bad, once you get to know him I mean," Zayn said to me. 

        I looked at him, his eyes held a desperate look to them. Mine probably looked scared as hell. But I still couldn't believe I got kidnapped for the fact he was going to get caught with abusing me. 

        "Well I should go," Zayn said standing up. 

        "Bye Zayn," I said looking up at him. 

        He gave me a faint smile and I did the same back at him. He turned around and walked out of the house, locking it behind him. I looked over to the kitchen and walked into the room. A bag of chips sat on the counter, taking them I wandered back into my own room and sat on the bed. The sound of birds mixed with the silence that forever filled this house. 

        Niall shouldn't be back until at least tomorrow, he never really came by a lot anymore. He stopped after we finished with the house. But he still came by a few times a week with food. 

        I've been here for about two months by now. The snow was in heavy piles outside the house which meant it was about December. Maybe close January. 

        All I wanted was to go home. To fight with my brothers over the cars and watch my younger siblings grow up in our footsteps or even go out and do there own things. I wanted to graduate and have a family. Not be stuck captive by Niall in a random house. 

Okay so today's two of my friends birthdays.... So yeah. 
Oh and about SOML~ (Link) WATCH IT <3 WE CAN BEAT THE RECORD. YOLO. ~Nemo

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