Chapter Twenty Six

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        When we got home from the motel Niall was laying in front of out door, tears had left a print on his face. He was sleeping, sprawled out across the hallway. Mason raised her eye brow at him and I walked over to him and slightly kicked him arm. He jolted awake and sat up, rubbing eyes to wake up more fully. 

        "Guys I'm so sorry," He said standing up. 

        "Its fine Niall," Mason muttered, clutching on to my side. 

        "Niall, I think it would be best if Mason stayed with me for a while," I calmly told him. 

        "What," He said sadly.

        "She's afraid of you! She's not as strong as you once thought she was," I told him. 

        All he did was nod and walk towards Mason. He hugged her and kissed her forehead and then left the building. Mason shook her head and we walked into the apartment and we set down our bags by the door. Noah left to get the mail and I checked my phone. 

        "Shit," I muttered. 

        "What?" Mason asked me. 

        "I'm going to be late for work. Go get dressed you're going to come with me," I told her. 

        She nodded and disappeared into her bedroom and I walked into mine. I threw on my bathing suit and a pair of shorts. I shuffled around my room throwing my hair up and trying to find my shirt. Sadly I didn't have enough time so I threw on a black one and slipped on my black Vans. I grabbed my car keys and I called for Mason. She emerged from the room with ear buds and her phone in hand. 

        Soon enough I pulled up outside the surf shop and I breathed out in relief David hadn't arrived yet. But I ran into the building and threw a smile at Ashton and pulled out a white shirt with the company logo on it. I stripped off my black shirt and shrugged on the white one. Mason walked into the building and I steered her in the direction of the back room so no one would notice her. 

        "You're late," Ashton teased me. 

        "Shut up," I said playfully shoving him into the counter. 

        "Whatever," He said sticking out his tongue. 

        I took a few boxes of shirts and sat on the couch in the center of the room to fold them. David walked in about half way through my folding process and he rubbed his face with his hands. 

        "Whats up boss man?" I asked him. 

        "Long night with Sam," He said. 

        "Did she leave you again?" Ashton asked. 

        "Yep," David said, popping the 'p' at the end. 

        I frowned but returned to my work at David and Ashton talked. When I was done folding I stacked them on the shelves by there correct sizes. David was slumped in a chair behind the counter as Ashton was ringing in customers. I walked back to check on Mason and found her looking out the window and watching the waves.

        "Wanna surf?" I asked her. 
        "Yeah," She said looking at me. 

        "Come on," I said leading her out of the room.

        David didn't ask questions about her as I purchased her a wet suit and she went to put it on. I shrugged on my own and waited for her to emerge from the small bathroom in the back. I grabbed two surf boards, on with my weight set and only for how much she weighed. She came out of the bathroom and I told Ash and David where I'd be and they didn't really care. 

        I set the boards on the sand and Mason was practically jumping for joy as I taught her the basics of surfing. When she insisted that she was ready we took our boards and paddled out into the ocean. Her giggles filled the air when her toes couldn't find the bottom anymore. I smiled and started towards a wave of my own. 

        I stood and sailed through the wave. Once it closed the water got into my eyes and I went to rub them, falling into the water in the process. When I surfaced I called out for Mason and I found her with a look of terror on her face. I turned around to find a large shark swimming towards me. My body was frozen but I found the strength to start swimming towards my board. 

        Mason started to scream for help and Ashton and David ran outside. I reached out for my board and grabbed it. I kicked and flailed getting into it, I felt something slippery touch my toes and I realized that I had kicked the sharks nose. It was angry and I started frantically paddling towards the sand. Mason was already attached to Ashton's said, her face buried into his chest.

        Once I could see the bottom of the water I exhaled and hurried my paddling. My board slid into the sand and I flipped on to my back and started to cry. Ashton left Mason and raced to my side and pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him, the tears still leaving my eyes.

        Noah and Niall appeared next to David and Noah was close to tears. I hadn't noticed them standing there while I was escaping my death. Ashton picked me up an carried me to Noah. I was slowly placed in my big brothers arms and the tears continued to come, harder sobs escaped my mouth. 

        He kissed my forehead and Niall took me into his own arms and held me close to his chest and whispered soothing things into my ear. He smoothed down my hair that had fallen out of his pony tail. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his hip. David let my off for the day and Niall set me into his Range Rover, that I drove, and he gave Noah the keys to his own car. Mason slid into the back and twisted so she could hug me. 

        "Lets go home," Niall said quietly. 

        I nodded and brought my knees to my chest, hugging them in fear. 

Damn. Well then. ~Nemo    

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