Chapter Nine

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        "Exactly. You're pure."

         "Exactly. You're pure."

        The words replayed in my mind. Pure. It was a strong word that made me want to pull my hair out. The fact Niall used it to explain me was expected though. He's the 'bad boy', the one who's never suppose to be perfect and pure. The one who's messed around with every kind of girl. 

        My finger lightly traced the snow flakes that didn't melt against the window. A thick blanket covered my body and a mug of tea rested on the window pane. Steam rose from inside the mug, making the window lightly fog up. A sigh escaped my lips at snow began to fall again, making this winter impossibly long. 

        A figure began to run up the drive way, hood up and zipped to block out the snow. They quickly stepped up the steps leading to the front door. Who ever it was fumbled to open the door but eventually got it open. A gust of snowy wind filled the small house, making me clutch the blanket tighter to my body. The door quickly shut and the man removed his coat and shoes. Revealing Niall. 

        He flashed me a smile and moved into the kitchen. I turned back to look out the window. Watching the snow heavily fall to the ground, making beautiful piles of the fluffy, cold crystals. Every once in a while the sun would come out and shine on the ground, making it shimmer and sparkle. Kind of like Edward Cullen from Twilight when he shows Bella he's a freaking fairy vampire thing. Who knows, okay? 

        I took the mug in my hands and slowly took a sip of the burning hot tea. Quickly I pulled away once it entered my mouth, burning my throat and tongue. I coughed and set down it back down on the ledge and turned to see Niall eating a sandwich. He was watching me from the doorway of the kitchen. As far as I know of he wasn't standing there long before I noticed him.        

        Chills went up my spine when I felt the couch sink under his weight as he sat next to me. But I only continued to look outside, hoping that one day I'd escape this wretched house.  The house that trapped me, and is keeping me prisoner under the orders of the owner. The owner as you know is Niall. He's the man that feeds me and tries to keep me satisfied here. But little does he know that it doesn't work at all.

        "If you want to go outside just say so," Nialls voice said, his breath trailing down my neck. 

        I looked at him with pleading eyes and he smirked, nodding his head that I was finally aloud outside the house. With out asking questions that might get this privilege taken from me I ran to my room, shutting door behind me to change. Quickly I pulled on a pair of thick sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt. Then I threw my boots and bulky coat on as well. I grabbed my mittens from the top drawer of my dresser and then I ran out of my room and to the door, practically jumping for joy. Niall laughed at me and put his own things back on and we walked out into the freezing air. 

        All though it was cold out I took in all the fresh air I could. The sun hit my face and I looked up at it, happy to for once be outside. Niall chuckled at my reaction to the outside world, but it truly made me happy to once again feel the cold air nip at my nose. And to breath the fresh and clean air into my body. I hated being stuck in that house with nothing but look out the window. It was terrible, but I knew I'd soon return to the heart aching feeling of being deprived from fresh air and the sun. 

        My happiness was interrupted as a snow ball came in contact with my arm. I looked back and saw Niall leaning against a tree, looking as if he never saw or threw anything at me. Giggling I picked up a chunk of snow and threw it towards him, hitting him in the chest. A smile formed on out faces and the snow ball war was on. 

        Snow was flung in every direction, only occasionally missing its target. Giggles and laughs filled the quiet and empty feeling of the property. Since our neighbors lived miles away from us we were as loud as we wanted to be. Soon I flopped into a pile of snow and huffed and looked up to see Niall over top of my cold body. He reached out his hand and I took it, pulling me back up. 

        "We should go back inside we've been out here for about three hours, I'm shocked your not blue yet Raelynn." He said. My mouth fell slightly open to hear how long we've been outside. 

        But I agreed and we traveled back into the house, the hot air hitting us as we stepped in. I kicked off my boots and Niall went into the kitchen to make us something warm to eat. I on the other hand gathered warm pajamas and took a burning hot shower. When I got out Niall greeted me in the living room with tea and movies. We put one of the movies into the old DVD player and started it. 

        About half way through the movie Niall tapped my shoulder. I looked towards him, and without even saying a word he leaned in and lightly pressed his lips against my own. He kissed me, leaving me in shock. I didn't kiss back in fear of him thinking I was that easy. But I wasn't going to allow him access to me yet. Not yet. 

        When he pulled away he gave me one of his famous smirks and then turned back to the movie like nothing ever happened. But something did happen. And he could deny it all he wanted too. But it did happen, I know it happened. 

        Niall Horan kissed me. Not on the cheek or the forehead. But on my lips. 

        He kissed me on the lips. Leaving me breathless and shocked all at the same time. 

Guise you should comment what you think about the new cover I made and about this chapter. I would really love more comments from you guise, it means a lot when you comment and give ideas for the next chapter or on why you loved a chapter. But seriously I love this chapter it took all day to write and I'm pretty proud of myself. ~Nemoxx

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