Chapter Fourteen

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        My mother engulfed me into a hug and pulled me into the house. Tears sprung into her eyes as she cried whilst still holding my body. I heard heavy footsteps come down the wooden steps and Carter emerged from the hall, his eyes brightened from the sight of me. He ripped me from my mothers grasp and took me into his own. I wrapped my arms around his neck and inhaled his scent, making me start to tear up remembering how I actually missed home. 

        I was dragged up the stairs and shoved into Noah's room where he was laying on his bed facing the wall. He didn't hear me as I tip toed through the room and I pounced onto his body. At first he was taken back but when he realized it was me clinging onto him and laughed and nuzzled his face into my neck. I giggled when he started to cry tears of joy. 

        Screams echoed down the hall as Delilah and Devin stormed into the room and the whole thing turned into a giant sibling group hug. Tears streamed down my big brothers cheeks and the twins talked at the same time about what happened while I was away. The smile never left my face when Carter took me to my bedroom. 

        It was cleaned up from when Niall had rummaged through it for my clothes and other things. I lay on my fluffy bed and tried to remember waking up for school everyday. Carter sat next to me, no one spoke. All we did was sit there until I stood up and walked down stairs to greet my mother once again. 

        She started to talk about how my father was on his way home and left work immediately when he found out. I just listened and looked around the dusty house. I guess my parents became depressed once I 'left'.

        "Why did you leave?" My mother asked me. I played with a strand of my hair.

        "I just had to... But I'm back now," I said. She didn't press further. 

        Once my father got home I was once again engulfed in hugs. Only they were his hugs and not my siblings. He kissed my forehead and told me how much he loved me and missed me. I told him I loved and missed him too. 

        We went out for dinner that night and it was my choice. I sat in between Carter and Noah, quite squished. But dinner was great and we caught up on a lot of things.

        "I plan on finishing school online and then going to university," I told my parents while taking a bite of cake. 

        "I think that's a good idea," My father said nodding his head.

        "I agree," My mother said. 

        I smiled and ate the rest of the chocolate treat. While we were exiting the building I jumped on Noah's back and he carried me to the car. 

        "You've gotten lighter," he said setting me down. 

        I just shrugged and waited for the rest of my family to pile into the car and we were home bound. 

Niall's P.o.V~

        Rage took over my body as I read the letter. My fist hit the walls and broke vases. 

        She found out about the bet I made with Harry over a year ago, the bet I tried to win. But it was true that I loved her. She obviously didn't believe me. 

        Harry busted the door down, I didn't hear him knock via the fact I was destroying the house. He read the note and quilt flashed through his eyes. 

        "Niall, I'm sorry," He said. 

        "She left," I growled.

        "I know but-" I cut him off.

        "WHY WOULD SHE LEAVE LIKE THIS?" I yelled, my loud voice echoing through the house. 

        "I'm not sure mate," He said quieter then my loud voice.

        I sat on the couch and ran my fingers through my hair. The stress was over powering me. I just needed a break from it all. I stood up from the couch and grabbed my keys. Harry followed me and we searched for the best club in the district. Which happened to be club Phase. 

        We pulled up in front of the building and you could see the strobe lights from the dust cluttered windows. Smoke leaked through cracks in the walls and windows, teenagers were making out in the alleys. Alcohol bottles cluttered the ground and the liquid seeped out of the broken ones. 

        I walked in and was greeted by instant humidity. As I walked towards the bar, people that were dancing knocked into me and it irritated me even further. I ordered twelve shots and paid for Harry's beer. I was given my shots and I almost instantly started downing them. Leaving no morsel of liquid in the small cups.

        Harry took sips of his own and watched my sanity go down the drain. I began to stumble and slur my words heavily. A dashing red head, wearing a mid-thigh black strapless dress caught my attention.

        "I want you," I grunted into her ear. She giggled and lead me into the back rooms. 


Omf. I just. Omg. 
So how are you guys? Good? Thats good. 

Comment, Heart, Follow<3 ~Nemo 

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