Chapter Twenty Five

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 Authors note before the chapter so you're not confused when this one has no plot what so ever: This will be the background story of Nialls, Gregs, Masons, and Leighs lives right now. Then we'll move on with Raelynn's. I thought it would be a good idea. So here we go. ~Nemo

        Nialls and his siblings lives weren't always this messed up. They used to all get along and be a happy family with their parents and other relations. But once the thought of divorce struck their parents they grew worried. But when their dad lost his job everything went down hill. Meaning that their dad became a drunk and gave up the utter thought of even looking for another job. Their mom tried hard to not allow the family to break a part by cutting off her husband of the alcohol. 

        Once the abuse started between their parents Leigh and Greg were able to stay calm and not rebel for attention since they were the ones in the center of the attention at the time. Making Mason grow suicidal and start self harming. Niall stepped in and started taking her for tattoos and gave her boxing lessons. It made the pain disappear for her. Niall was named her legal guardian and so was Leigh when the death of their parents were announced. Greg fought for both girls custody but Mason fought harder to stay with Niall. So it was settled: Mason stayed where she was put and Leigh was happy to go with Greg. 

        After their days in court Greg and Niall barely spoke but every once in a while the girls reunited and either stayed with Niall or Greg for a few days. It was mostly when either Niall or Greg was out of town and had no place to take Leigh or Mason. But this made them grow hatred for each other faster. Niall and Greg usually fed horrible things about there family to the girls and the girls took it to heart. So every time they were together they fought. Eventually it was put to rest until recently when they've seen more of each other than before. Which is why the fight at the airport was created more easily.   

        Mason was charged with many crimes of destruction and fighting. Niall was unable to control her for a while but when she was finally arrested and put on trail she begged Niall to get her out of her predicament and help her not go to prison for setting fire to a large building with a few people inside. She wasn't alone and her friends were also charged with the murder of the people and the burning of the building. After about a week left before her final trail, the one determining her sentencing, Niall was able to pull a few strings with a few friends and she was let off with a year and a half of community service.

        Leigh was a straight A student and never flunked. But when she started to date and go out and party her grades slipped. Greg was furious with her grades and put her on house arrest, making her sneak out more often and start to rebel more. When Greg noticed he let loose and had a talk with her about it. She under stood that if she didn't start behaving that the court would place her under Nialls control. She immediately straightened up and stopped partying as often and she wasn't taken away from Greg.

        When Greg took both girls on the trip to London for a week a problem struck with the girls and the mention of their parents was brought up. Leigh was yelling at Mason and then took a step forward and blamed her and Nialls rebellion for their parents deaths. Mason's temper flared and soon Leigh was under Mason taking punches to the face and abdomen. Greg was unable to pull off Mason since he didn't have the strength. When the fight died down Leigh was close to being unconscious and Mason's knuckles were busted open and bruised. The color matching Leigh's face and stomach.


        The typical story: The perfect life and parents with annoying but reliable siblings at your side. 

        But when Niall arrived at her school he began to chase after her over the bet he and Harry made: How long would it take the great Niall Horan to get into Raelynn's pants. 

        But Niall began to fall for her but she couldn't believe a word he said after he kidnapped her. When the violence started about a month after he moved to the school everything fell apart. She was losing her reputation and her friends grew suspicious that it was her father or mother. But it wasn't, Raelynn was just to scared to confess who it was....

        Her hope died when she was kidnapped and when Niall did everything to her in confinement she was thinking suicidal thoughts about how to end her life. Since there was nothing special to live for. But the words:  "If you escape me then that's when I'll let you go. But its disappointing that you'll never escape." ran through her mind everyday. Always plotting ways to escape in her mind and never finding the right time without him able to find and kill her. 

        He was fully capable to kill her and not feel a thing. But she was always wrong. Niall loved her and hid it with abuse and irritation. No one understood his love for her not even him. Never in his life did he think he'd fall for a girl over a bet that was never able to take place. Raelynn's self respect was the think Niall found interesting about her.

        Every other place Niall had been he was able to get any girl that he wanted and they'd be okay with a one night stand. But Raelynn wasn't like that after the few ex boyfriend's she's had that have taken her for granted and tried to use her. So she thought Niall was the same way. 


 So that't their stories and the life's that they choose to live. Do you think you understand them now?

I'm sorry but I thought it was a good idea to give you their background stories and such so you can truly understand Nialls and Masons pain and sacrifices soooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah ~Nemo 

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