"you're my only gay friend :("

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niall: ayy

louis: shut up

liam: ohhh someone's annoyed

liam: *cough* louis *cough*

zayn: okay i have an idea

zayn: everyone of us knows at least one not straight guy

zayn: we will just sent their numbers in here 

zayn: and louis can decide if he likes them and if he wants to talk with them

zayn: and bam

zayn: louis + cute dude  = happy

zayn: simple but effective

liam: thats actually a good idea

louis: can i say something?

niall: nope

zayn: nah

liam: i dont think you really want to

louis: well

zayn: okay i'll sent the number of my gay guy

zayn: ****** ****

liam: i'm next

liam: ***** ****

niall: okay wait

niall: **** ********

louis: niall

louis: that is my number

niall: you're my only gay friend :(

liam: lmao

zayn: i have like 10000 gay friends

zayn: haha

louis: same

niall: wow i'm sorry guys

niall: but i still have myself

liam: you're not gay

liam: or are you

liam: we wouldn't care

liam: we would still love you

liam: uhh

liam: am i right ladieeees?

liam: can someone pls say something

liam: this is getting awkward

louis: true


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