"i really hope she likes me"

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louis: pst

louis: hi

louis: wassup

harry: why are you texting me lou

harry: we're literally sitting next to each other

louis: but we're in the cinema and we have to be quiet

harry: and you really shouldn't be on your phone

louis: said he while texting me

harry: oh

harry: oops

louis: the movie is boring

harry: yep

harry: let's just text each othr till it's over lmao

louis: good idea

louis: are you excited about tomorrow?

harry: yes omg

harry: i'm a lil bit nervous

louis: awww

harry: i really hope she likes me

louis: everyone loves you, don't worry

louis: what are you two gonna do

harry: i'm taking her out for dinner and after that we're going to my place

louis: oh nice

harry: yes

louis: what's her name

louis: you never told me

harry: her name is camille

harry: she's really pretty

louis: i bet you're gonna have a great time

harry: thanks lou

harry: maybe we all can hang out together sometime

louis: we'll see

louis: lol

harry: the movie is over

louis: oh you're right


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