"oh haz"

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harry: lewis

louis: yes harold

louis: wassup

harry: my dick

louis: uhh

louis: damn 

louis: since we just started sexting, let me first go to my bedroom

louis: jk lmao

harry: oh god

harry: i thought that was funny

louis: it actually was

harry: good to know

louis: but still a lil bit weird

harry: i know and i regret making this joke

louis: oh haz

louis: you're so adorably cute

harry: camille told me the exact same thing yesterday

harry: it was so cute

louis: oh nice

louis: on how many dates have you been with her?

harry: four

harry: next friday we're going shopping and after that we'll have dinner with her parents

louis: oi oi already meeting the parents huh?

louis: it's getting serious mate

harry: i think so

harry: i'm just trying to be happy

louis: i really genuinely hope that you get happy harry

harry: thanks boo


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