This is How it all went down hill-2

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     Nashi fell asleep and I laid her gently on the couch. and graded a blanket to cover her with. I went to my room and gray was pissed, levied with his son. How could he do this, to her, to his family?

      We walk upstairs to our room, Alana is in Storm's old room sleeping. Gray shuts the door behind him.

      "Why would he cheat on Nashi he loves her"gray said disappointed filled his eyes. I take a deep breath.

       "Gray I don't know, but it's best we don't get involved in this matter it's between the two, "I said calmly. We really should leave it between them, because it will end with us taking Nashi's side and losing our son.

       "Juvia! our son cheated on Nashi! What are Natsu and Lucy going to do when they find out! Natsu will go on a manhunt for Storm! Nashi is one of his kids and he will do anything to protect her! "gray whisper yelled at me. "So don't tell me to stay out of this!"

         "I know but let's wait until morning maybe it was nothing and she'll go home tomorrow, "I said hugged grays chest. I trying to calm him down even though Nashi sounded pretty sure she was done with him.

        "Fine let's go to bed, "gray said and I laid in bed and he pulled me into his chest and prayed that maybe it was a dream. I fell asleep.

The next day:

       I woke up and gray was already up. I went out in my PJs and I saw Nashi just getting up and gray putting food on the table, Alana should probably stay sleeping a little longer. he laughed as we both lazily sit at the table. We eat in silence I look at Nashi hand no ring.

       "Nashi where's your ring? "I asked she looked at me but continued to eat. Chewing her food she looks down at her plate.

      "I threw it at storm last night," she said eating she looked at her plate her salmon hair covers her face.

      "Oh," I say looking down at my plate, it was more serious than I thought.

      "What are you going to do, "Gray asked her and she takes a long breath in and looks at him.

       "I'm going away for a while I need time to cool I can't be around storm right now it isn't even the first time he's cheated I've caught him flirting, making out and last night I came home to him having sex, "Nashi said tears going down her face. "I guess I should have seen it coming, my fault I guess"

      "It's not your fault dear, how could you even think that," I say to her and she puts her fork down.

        "All the signs were there, Alana even told me he was hanging around other girls, I should have ended it a long time ago"

      "Why didn't you," gray asked and I looked at him. What is he doing?

      "Alana, she needs a father, but I just can't be here, I know it's wrong but I got to leave for a while, maybe go visit my friends at the military base," I say and I nod. It goes silent as we finish eating.

       "Storms at his house what are you going to do, "Gray asked clearing the plates from breakfast, putting some away from Alana from when we wake her up.

        "I was thinking you guys could help like juvia can help me pack and gray you could get storm out of the house, "Nashi said and we looked at each other.

        "Sure I could do that I have a few things to talk to him about, "Gray said cracking his knuckles Nashi laughed. I think a lot of people would like to take a few swings at him.

      "Hey while your at why don't you invite my father I'm sure he would love to have a few swings at him"Nashi laughed. Gray laughs, it's good she's trying to make light of the situation.

       "Have you told your parents? "I asked she shook her head no. I nodded. I guess there really wasn't time to tell them.

       "Well Nashi do you have a change of clothes here," I asked

       "Yeah, I have one in my bag I quickly graded it last night with some of Alana's stuff, "Nashi said and graded her bag and went to the bathroom.

       "That's it, I'm teaching that kid a lesson, "gray said standing up.

        "Okay just firsts go tell Natsu and Lucy, "I said I feel bad for her this is not how I raised Storm at all. I went to my room and changed into my normal clothes my clothes never changed. I was finished brushing my hair and teeth I walked out Nashi was waiting. I decided to wake Alana up and get her dressed.

         She looked stunning when she came down. Alana was sitting at the table eating.

      "So Nashi gray is over at your parent's house telling them okay, "I said she nodded and smiled brightly her salmon hair was up in a semi bun half of it was in a bun but the bottom with left open.

       Leaving Alana with Mika we left for storms house we got there and she walked in, Storm was just leaving he froze once he saw her then saw me. He kept walk his head down he regrets it but Nashi said this wasn't the first time. I walk the halls I get to pack Alana's stuff. I see a ring in the floor in front of Alana door I bend down its nashi's, her name is engraved in it she really did throw it at him.

       I place it back on the ground. I graded Alana's bags and put them on her bed as I put her clothes in there. Once I finished her room was empty I go to Nashi her hole side is cleaned out completely. I smiled at her she weakly smiled at me and then teleported her bag somewhere then Alana's.

          "Nashi are you sure about this, "I asked her she looked me dead in the eye and nodded.

       "He doesn't love me like he used to anymore," Nashi said storm I hope he comes running in here because he's about to lose his girl, but he doesn't. I sighed and squeezed her tight and handed her two train tickets.

        "Go say goodbye to your parents then get on the train it leaves in an hour, "I said she nodded and ran. I am disappointed with my son. I make my way to the guild and I sit by myself and I have a bunch of people rushing over to me well mostly the kids but one yells.

          " Auntie Juvia is it true storm cheated on Nashi" a girl yells it was Nova and everyone looked at me. Word spreads fast I guess, just like a wildfire.

       "It's not my place to tell, "I said they looked shocked, which means yes in their books.

        "I got to go beat the living shit out of Storm," Rosemary said I stood in front of the door everyone was confused.

      "Juvia why are you stopping them he deserves it, "Erza said confused. I know he does.

       "Because gray and Natsu are already dealing with it Nashi is with Lucy, "I said they looked shocked.

       "Does this mean Nashi and storm are not together anymore? "Gavin said sadly, we all know he's truly excited.

       "Nashi threw her ring at him last night while she was packing her things. She should be boarding the train soon "I said. They all sat down so I did too I looked out the window. I hope things end well.

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