This is how it all went down hill-5

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     A week, it's been a week and the news took all my words and twisted it. Nashi is going to hate me when she reads it. Not that she doesn't already hate me. Nashi is the most stable person I know now. Maybe not when I first met her but now, she's strong-minded.

     Nashi would be the last one to jeopardize the relationship with her daughter. I never knew the pain of hating a parent, I knew that pain but she does. I never should have made so many mistakes and now, I regret everything.

     The news and everyone at the guild think Nashi overreacted but I knew she didn't. Her calmness every time I drank, every time I kissed another girl. I knew that she would get mad but I didn't think she'd leave me.

     "Well, I'm hoping storm you didn't see the news"Erza said taking a bite of her strawberry shortcake. Giving her a questioning look she hands me the morning paper and I take it from her. Ever since I and Nashi ended things that's all everyone wants to talk about.

     'Nashi Dragneel ran with Alana Fulbuster, her child. Rumours have it that her fiance, Storm Fullbuster Cheated on her on multiple occasions. But was it cheating that sent Nashi for the Hills?

     As of yesterday morning, sudden allegations were made of child abuse. Nashi Dragneel being the person behind everything was arrested and is now awaiting court. It is said that is the reason she truly ran. Who knows.

     Nashi does have a tendency to be mentally unstable and has been to many mental hospitals on many accords. The child, Alana Fullbuster states that it was not her mother who has hit her before but no one believes it.

     If the court goes against Nashi then she'll face life in prison and the child, Alana Fullbuester, will be given to her father or into the system. If it goes in her favour Nashi will be on extreme supervision.'

     "Storm, is this true, did she hit Alana?" Mom asks looking shocked. I'm sure they all read this very paper. Slowly, I shake my head no. shock keeps me from speaking for a few moments.

     "I swear it was an accident, I turned to fast and accidentally hit Alana in the face, I-I swear I didn't mean to," I said finally looking up and I meet my mother's eyes. She just looks at me with horror.

     "Storm! how could you hit a small child" levy asked but I don't look towards her just at my mother?

     "I didn't mean to, "I said quietly. Dad slapped me across the face. I don't blame him. Sitting there waiting for him to smack me across the face again but he doesn't.

     "Storm what happened to you what is the change of care Nashi told me for the last year you've been getting drunk and hitting her is that true"dad said gripping my collar. I looked down. I hate when Dad gets mad at me.

     "I'm sorry" I whispered but it's no avail, he's pissed.

     "Storm you don't understand Nashi could go to jail for something that you did!"dad yells in my face. " And Alana, your daughter could be gone forever because she'd be better off away from you, your not responsible enough Storm to have a kid"

     Dad lets go of my collar and leaves the building. I just close my eyes again hoping that this is all a dream. That he isn't mad at me.

     "Storm "mom said quietly, trying to make things better. They can't, it's my fault I lost my fiance, it's my fault I probably won't ever see my daughter again and it's my fault I probably just fucked my relationship with my dad.

     "Leave me alone," I said loudly but I tried not to.

     "Storm your father is just mad, "mom said and I was about to walk out of the guild when I spoke.

     "Don't try to make things better" I tell her coldly before leaving. Returning to the cold empty house. Nashi's warmth is gone, I miss it. I need it back but I fucked up, really bad.


     Sitting behind a large brown table I clasp my hands together. Once this is all over I can start working. My name is called and I stand up.

     "Nashi is it true that you hit Alana, "the judge asked me and I take a deep breath.

     "No it is not, I would never hurt her, "I said with a plain face a tear rolled down my face. I don't even try to stop it.

     "Nashi I am giving you a chance to explain your side of the story." the judge said. I got up and I walked up to the judge then turned around. Facing the jury. I hate court.

      "Alana is my child I would hurt her I got scared when a spoon fell in her head the other day. I didn't hit Alana it was her father he gets drunk every night nowadays he won't do anything with her he hit her on her birthday. I'm not blaming storm in this at all. I blame myself I should have been there for the two. Storm starts to not remember what happens when he is drunk he started to hit me but wouldn't remember what happened in the morning "I said tears falling down my face.

     I hope not only the judge but the jury as well believe me because I would never lie about something this important, my daughter.

     "Nashi Dragneel is-"

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