This is how it went down hill-6

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     "Innocent, "the judge says. Relief washes over me as Alana comes running into my arms. Dawson gives me a side hug as Alana hugs my legs. I can't help my tears falling.

     I bend down and I wrap my arms around Alana and just hug my little girl. It's been a week, god it feels good to hug her again.

     Signing some papers I leave back to the mansion. Dawson riding along with us. Alana hasn't left my side and I'm glad. I missed my baby in that week that child services held her.

     Arriving at the mansion everyone congratulated me but I went to put Alana to bed in her room. Putting the teddy bear that Storm bought for her when she came home from the hospital in the bed with her I kiss her forehead.

     Seeing Dawson sitting in the upper living room chilling on the couch as I enter to go to the second kitchen to get a drink. This kitchen is nothing like the one downstairs this one is basically to hold all our junk food and drinks that don't fit downstairs.

     "You don't have to stay up, I'm good you know," I tell him, I and him have become good friends in the little time I've been here.

     "I know, I just wanted to make sure how you were feeling," Dawson says resting his elbows on his knees.

     "Relieved, I almost lost my child," I told him and he smiles standing up and walking up. His room is the next floor up.

     "You wouldn't have lost her, I wouldn't have let that happen," He tells me and walks past me. I watch him walk up the stairs.

The next morning-

     Waking up I out my uniform on. Back to work, everything can get back on track now. Walking across the hall and opening Alana's door. My heart drops not to see her there. Alana was gone. looking around the room nowhere what the fuck.

     Running down the stairs, skipping some stairs. All panic calms when I get to the living room she was playing with Dawson. A huge smile on her face as she uses his arms to steady herself as she smiles.

     "Thank god, you scared me, "I said he laughed and hugged me with Alana in his arms within his arms. Placing a soft kiss on my forehead he pulls away.

     "Well I and Alana are going to get ice cream so bye sees you later," he said and left Alana waved to me. Watching the two together, what is Dawson to me? Is it still too early for me to be in a relationship?

     Walking out of the building I get on the train back to the magic council. It's only a ten-minute train ride there which isn't bad. Sitting on the train I watch as everything passes. Dawson must have taken Alana in the carriage or on a horse.

     Arriving I head up to the general's office. This is my official first day. When I see the General in his office putting the last of his things in a box he closes the box.

     "Well Dragneel I hope you can do great things with this military it's in your hands now I'm trusting you Nashi," he said and left with his last bow I sat at the desk.

     The room is empty. I will have to fill it with my stuff. I mean it has the basic stuff but nothing personal.

     Looking at the stack of work on my desk I begin to look at it lost. That is until someone comes in and explains it to me.

     An hour later I'm filling out paperwork and making phone calls. Surprised people on the other line when they get me.

     "It feels weird seeing you at a desk, "Someone says and I look up to see Dawson. I laughed and I got up.

     "I know, I've always been training or fighting, the desk has never been my position but here I am," I tell him and he laughs.

      "You'll do great, Alana is at the front desk, Ella is trying to teach her how to do taxes," Dawson says and I smile at the thought. Standing up I walk out to find my little girl looking so confused standing next to Ella's desk.

       Walking up I listen to Ella trying to explain what she does for a living to Alana.

      "Mommy, she's confusing my brain," Alana says and I laugh at her as I walk over and pick her up. Kissing her cheeks I smile.

      "It confuses me too don't worry" 

This is how it all went down hill [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now