This is how it all Went Down Hill-11

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    A week sure as snuck upon us, the house looks so empty. Sitting here with on the full boxes placed everywhere. I moved here when I was eighteen, but I'm not happy here. I didn't even tell anyone, well besides Erza when we got our marks removed.

    We silently left the guild.

     I know mom is going to be affected by my absences the most, and everyone who likes the kids. All our belongings will be transported to the new house once we get one.
We get onto the train and I clasp my hands together. Looking back at the passing city I smile.

    This is it.


       "How about this one, I really like this one," Alana says as we walk into a four-bedroom house, two-story.

      "I do too, it's very warming," Tyler says and I nod. It's also not a bad price. They seem to really like it so why not.

        "Sure, let's get it," I say and they cheer.

        After signing the papers I make the call to get our things transferred here. Tomorrow we should have all our things.

        We decide to go to sleep in a hotel tonight so that we can get some rest. I see why Nashi likes it here so much, the people are so welcoming here. It's also gorgeous here.

        "Dad, you think mom will come back alive," Alana asks me when Tyler is asleep.

       "Your mother is strong and has lived through a lot of things, I can't say if she'll come back but what I can say is that she wouldn't die without trying," I tell her, that is I would hope at least.

       She nods and gets into her bed which she is sharing with Tyler. I get into my bed and I sigh thinking about Nashi ten years ago and how much she has changed.

       She has to come back.

       "Dad! Tyler took my pencil" Alana yells from the other room. We moved in a month ago, no one from the guild has tried to contact us so that's good. Walking into the room I see Alana trying to get her pencil back from Tyler whos holding it behind his back.

       "Alana, this is the moment you just give him a nice big hug," I tell her nice and loud. Before Tyler can process, Alana has her arms wrapped around him and she takes her pencil. Sitting back down at the island she has a victory smile.

        They are back in school of course. I made it their choice and they both wanted to go back so they are trying their best.

       "Okay I have to go to work, there are leftovers in the fridge," I tell them getting my coat. I now work at a training facility. Training young mages to become strong mages.

       I'm actually pretty good at it.

        "Okay, have fun" Tyler mumbles still upset about the pencil. Roughing up his hair on the way by I walk out the door and I head to Marks Training Facility. Only four people work here.

        Me being a previous fairy tail member instantly got me the job.

       "Hey storm," Stella says when I walk in. she's the secretary who's married to Mark who owns this place.

      "Hey Stella, wheres Mark at?" I ask and she points to his office and I head their first. Walking in he is bouncing a ball off the wall. He's not much older than me. Maybe three years older than me.

        "Hey Storm," Mark says taking his feet off the table and placing them on the ground. Catching the ball he looks at me.

         "Hey Mark, here for my tasks for the week," I tell him. Our tasks is the mages that come in. typically we see teens to adults and some kids but not too young and not too old.

        "These six, have at them," he says handing me six files. Walking into my "office" which is a huge gym. When I get in there my heart stops. Standing there is Rosemary.

       "Hey Storm," she says pushing herself off the wall. Shit.

      "What are you doing here Rosemary, you're already an S-class mage?" I say looking up at her from her file which I failed to read the name like always. I should really make it a habit to read the name.

      "What are you doing here, you belong at fairy tail," she tells me and I straighten up my posture.

         "If your here about personal matters than leave, I am working and you are wasting my time," I tell her sne she looks at me with narrowed eyes.

         "Come on Storm, you're just wasting your time on that girl," Rosemary says stepping closer to me and goes to touch my arm but I move away.

        "Get the hell out of here," I tell her and she looks at me stunned. I point at the door. She huffs but turns on her heels and stomps out of here. Walking a far distance behind her I get confused looks from Ethan, Mark and Stella when she storms out of here.

         "Stella, don't ever let her come back here," I say to her. Grabbing an apple from the bowl she nods. "God I hate that girl"

        "Past troubles?"

       "Just trouble," I say and everyone laughs. Heading back to my office I go on about the rest of my day.

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