This is how it all went down hill-3

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       Sitting on the train knowing I'm never coming back here just makes everything so much more real. Alana is asleep next to me. She has no idea whats going on. I'll have to tell her but I don't know-how.

      I told Juvia I was coming back, honestly, I don't think I am. The only thing here is my parents. Pastel is barely here. I have to find my calling somewhere else, I've always known that this is now the time to do so. Plus, the military has always wanted me to join so yeah.

      "Mommy where are we going," she asked rudding her eyes. She sits up and I smile at her. I just keep replaying the fight telling my self that this is right. He is the one who's messing up, not me.

      "We are going on a trip," I said smiling at her, she smiles back. A trip we are never coming back from. She doesn't know that part yet.

     "Then where's daddy? "she asked tilting her head. This is breaking my heart. I know it would have been right to let her have both parents in her life but if he's just going to be screwing people. Can he really be a father?

      "Alana you aren't going to see daddy for a very long time. "I said a tear going down my face she hugged me I hugged her back I squeezed her tightly. I soon fell asleep with her in my arms.

A week later-

       Alana plays in the water, I smile she laughs as plays in the water. I heard people I jump and grad Alana and hug her tight. I'm pretty badly hurt but Alana only knows that to a certain extent.

      "Oh I. Sorry did we scare you," a female voice said I saw a girl she had short white hair and a sabertooth logo on her arm and two boys next to her one blonde hair and one with black hair.

       "Who are you guys" I growled

      "Woah it's okay your hurt let us help you," the girl said my stomach is bleeding badly I'm in pain but the blood is now showing. God damn it, the cut opened.

      "Who are you," I asked again less aggressive.

      "My name is Yukino Encliff what's your name," she asked crouching down in on the ground she gets to my level.

      "My name is Nashi Dragneel, "I said they all had shocked faces on There face.

     "Your Natsu's daughter, "the blonde dude said. Does he know dad?

       "Yes, "I said they looked at Alana I tightened my grip on her. I weakly stood. Alana was silent. My blood was getting on Alana but I don't care. Her safety comes before mine.

      "Is she also Natsu's daughter? "the black-haired man said I growled.

       "No she is my daughter, "I said looking down at Alana whos confused and scared. I would be too after whats happened in the last little bit. she understands more than people think.

       "Mommy why are they here," Alana asked I shrug holding her tighter.

      "I don't know baby girl" I whispered. Hugging her I leaned against the tree weakly. Damn bandits catching me off guard like that.

      "Nashi dear come with us we'll help you,"Yukino said she touched my shoulder I jerked it away but soon yelped in pain Yukino graded Alana I felt my world become dark.


        I carried the child and sting carrying Nashi. She is pretty hurt. She is apart of Fairytail, the emblem on her arm proves me right.

       "Let me go" the child yells at me as she squirms in my arms she wanted to get to Nashi, how cute. She can't do anything but it's her mother.

       "Child your mother is hurt we are going to help her, "I said she stopped and puffed out her checks, had a mad face in I laughed a little. She giggled and poked rogues nose he was shocked, she wanted over to him she climbed in his arms and poked him on the nose.

       "Why won't he laugh, "the child asked and I smile at her.

     "Because he doesn't have emotions "sting said coldly to the child. He got to be nicer to children.

      "Of course he does, everyone does you have emotions because he's here with you guys," she said. She does get a point though.

       "What's your name, "rogue asked her resting her on his hip.

      "My name is Alana Fullbuster, "she said smiling brightly. And jumped out of rogues hands she's so hyper. she's like a little ball of fire, she probably got that from Nashi who got that from Natsu. A Dragneel trait. 

     "Hey we're here, "I said she squeals and runs inside we come in after she is sitting in front of Minerva.

     "Who's the kid"Minerva growled at us. Alana has this big smile on her face, she's not scared of Minerva one bit. she actually is fascinated by Minerva for some odd reason. I don't know why but she is. 

      "She's Nashi Dragneels Daughter, Alana Fullbuster, "I said they all froze. Everyone knows the rivalry between the Natsu and Gray. to have their kids have a kid is mind-blowing.

      "Wait, I thought the Dragneels and Fullbusters hate each other," Rufus said crossing his arms.

       "So did we, "sting said we went to the infirmary and put Nashi in a bed and started to help him as Alana played with Minerva. Nashi was healed and woke up.

       "Where am I" she mumbles.

     "You're at the Sabertooth guild hall come downstairs please, "I said and went downstairs. Nashi came down and sat in the stairs Alana ran to her she painfully hugged back it was a happy moment.

       "Nashi what are you doing out here anyway, "I asked

      "I'm looking on how to get to the magic council someone mind helping me" Nashi's asked pushing her daughter's hair out her face.

     "Sure I'm heading there I could take you," Minerva said

       "Great just let me get dressed and we can go I was supposed to be there a few days ago but got lost, "Nashi said and smiles weakly.

      "Okay I'll go get the tickets, "Minerva said

        "Only need one for me, not Alana, "Nashi said and went upstairs with Nashi.

      "Why you going to the magic council, "sting asked

      "I need to drop off papers," Minerva said I laughed.

        " see you soon I'll tell Nashi to go to the train station, "I said and she left. Ten minutes later Nashi and Alana came down Nashi looked beautiful. God damn, Natsu does have a rather stunning daughter. Sting joins me.

     But then Alana disappears suddenly.

    "Where did Alana go, "Max asked, yeah, that's kinda what I want to know.

    "To the spirit realm," she said

   "You're a celestial Mage" I did

      "Yep and fire dragon slayer and fire dragon slayer, "Nashi said. I helped her find the train station. On the way there I found out that her mother is Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia. Wow, things sure do change.

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