This is how it all went down hill-9

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    Waking up cold I frow my brows confused. That is until I see Nashi Naked, she is still sleeping. Pushing a lock of salmon hair out of her face I get up to put my clothing on. I only have boxers on.

     When I get dressed I go to get water.

     I wonder how Alana and Tyler are doing. Reaching into my back pocket I don't feel the ring. Checking my other pockets I don't feel it. Shit.

    Looking on the floor of the kitchen I then go to the room and I get on my knees, not acknowledging Nashi who is now awake. Pressing the black sheets to her chest.

     Looking under the bed and looking everywhere until Nashi speaks up.

      "Storm you looking for something," she said, when I look up at her she is holding up the ring. Getting up off my knees. Sitting on the bed.

      "I thought I lost that again I also forgot I had that, "I said she smiled. I go to take it back but she puts it out of my reach. Such a child yet she is in the military.

     "Where did you find it the next day I went back and I couldn't find it" Nashi said twisting it in her fingers. Looking away briefly I then look at her.

      "I couldn't find it but Alana found in her room," I said she looked shocked.

      "Man That's messed up," Nashi said. I laughed but I stop as I watch her slide the ring onto her ring finger. Laying back down she smiles at me. "I put it back where it belongs, "

      Does she still want to be with me?

      "Of course I do silly! I always have, "Nashi said and sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck. kissing me shortly then she got her clothes on.

      "Well, I should be getting back to the kids at my place," I said and kissed her on the head. And I left she waved goodbye. I walked home and I saw Alana eating food while playing a game with Tyler.

      "I win! "Alana yells and Tyler shakes his head but continued to eat.

       "Hey, Dad your home" Tyler said he had his hood up still.

       "Yep, what did you guys want to do today, "I asked leaning on the table they thought for a moment.

      "Water park" they both said.

       "Alright let's go I go get your bathing suits on, "I said they ran to there rooms I laughed and went to my room. I put my suit on and the. Put my shirt on and I walked out Tyler is in swimming trunks without his hood but he is looking down. He had black hair and streaks of salmon. He is looking for it. Alana is jumping up and down. She had a loose dress.

      "Let's go"Alana cheered and dragged me and Tyler out of the house. She was screaming I. Joy until we got to the beach oh well.

       "Big sister why did you want to go swimming, "Tyler asked

       "Because I've never been swimming that I know of and mom always was too busy so yeah"Alana cheer and ran into the water. Tyler to I sat on the beach watching them play in the water.

         "Hey storm funny seeing you here," a female voice said I turn and rosemary and the rest are here they come to sit with me.

      "Alana and Tyler wanted to go swimming, "I said they nodded

      "I see and they got you out of your house without you being drunk," James said laughing.

        "Shut up, "I said then Mom was at my side.

      "Holy shit mom you scared me, "I said

     "Go play with your kids," Mom said

      "But I don't want to and look there perfectly fine,"I said pointing at The kids.they wasn't at the water. The next thing I know water is splashed on me. I look and Alana splashed me. I grad bucket and run to the water. And we had a water bottle.

       Smiles on our face. At this point, I don't care if I ever walk Nashi down the Aisle. I just want a happy family that I can provide for. And I hope for Nashi to return safely. 

This is how it all went down hill [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now