This is how it all Went Down Hill-10

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       "General Dragneel we are all set for take-off," my second in command tells me as I take all my belongings from the hotel. The ring on my finger hasn't been removed but it will have to be.

       "Yes, I will meet you at the Train Station, I have one more stop to make before leaving," I tell her in a matter of a fact tone and she nods before leaving.

      Walking the streets of magnolia brings back some good and bad memories of me and storms relationship and Alana being born.

       When I get to the house I knock. Storm opens the door and his eyes look me up and down. I guess he's never seen me in my official uniform. Camouflage. Opening the door wider I hear a squeal of excitement.

       "Dad! Tyler is cheating again" I hear Alana yell and yells and giggles come from Alana's old bedroom.

      "Am not you filthy liar!" Tyler then backfires at her. I walk into the room and Alana is the first to get up to hug me. Tyler shortly embraces me. Hugging them tightly I feel something wet on my shoulder. Alana is crying.

        "I don't want you to die, Mom," she tells me and I bring me to hand up to the back of her head to comfort her.

        "I can't promise you that I'll come back but I can promise you that I'll try my best," I tell her and she sniffles.

       Pulling away I kiss the tops of her head. I sit there hugging Tyler for a few more seconds.

       "Okay, I have to go. I love you both and be good" I tell them, messy up their hair and they don't complain. Storm walks me out and when he does I give him a hug. Quickly kissing his head I smile. '

      When I begin to walk away I turn to see him still standing there. Picking up my pace it's not long before I'm at the train station.



     Six months have gone by, she's been deployed for six months. Tyler is extremely worried about his mother and Alana is trying to comfort him but she is also worried.

       They know that they should have heard something from her by now. They joined the guild so that they could take minor quests around magnolia to make some money.

       "Okay, what do you both what for supper tonight?" I ask getting a piece of paper, I'm about to go to the market to get something for supper. Alana is working on her school work.

      Both of them ponder my stated question.

      "Can we have breakfast for supper?" Alana asks and I smile, which puts a huge smile on Tyler's face.

       "Sure, what exactly did you have in mind?"

       "French toast!" they say in unison. It's been a slow but amazing process getting to know my kids, kids that I failed to know as a father as they grew up. I missed their childhood. Alana's I was there for the beginning but she doesn't remember.

       Writing down what I need I dot my pen on the paper. Looking up at the kids I see me in Tyle, quiet and alone. When I look at Alana I see her mother, everything down to the look she gives me when she's disgusted at the dislike of pickles she has.

     "Okay, anyone wants to come with me?" I say and Tyle looks at me.

        "I will" he quietly says and gets up from his chair, sliding he homework forward so it doesn't fall.

        Following me out the door we stay quiet. Two people with the same damn traits.

          "You have any friends back home?" I decided to finally ask. Whenever the topic of back home was brought up he'd drop the topic, now seems like the perfect time.

           "No, people don't really get along with me," he says and I nod, he's exactly like me, Nashi was my first official friend. Everyone at the guild really is just really friendly. After what I did to Nashi they all wouldn't talk to me.

      "If it makes you feel any better, no one really likes me either," I tell him and he sheepishly smiles but looks up at me briefly. He then shoots his eyes down at his feet.

     "Why?" he asks and I chuckle.

      "Nobody likes me, buddy, your mother was the first person to ever become my friend, after she left everyone really hated me," I tell him and he nods knowingly.

     "Why don't you leave then? Mom's friend always said that if you aren't happy where you are then change something" He tells me and I laugh at the little boy next to me giving me life advice.

      "I was always hoping your mother would come back to me, that was really the only thing keeping me here," I tell him, entering the market I grabs a kart and Tyler begins to push it.

       "Isn't this where you were born? Wouldn't your family be holding you back?"

       "I don't have a good relationship with my father, I'm the oldest so my mother paid more attention to the younger ones," I tell him. No matter how many times I've heard growing up that there was no better place than Fairytail. It's not my home, I'm not at peace here.

        Tyler goes silent for a second before speaking to me.

      "Move, to the capital where the Mansion is located," he tells me nonchalantly and I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

      "The Mansion is where mom lives and us, where the military is located, Mom loves it their" Tyler tells me and it's not such a bad idea.

        We stay quiet for the rest of the grocery trip and when I get back I begin cooking. When do I check Alana's homework for her and they sign it to make sure the teachers know that I checked it. Stupid teachers making me sign her homework.

        As I'm serving the food Tyler speaks up.

       "Alana, don't you think we should move to the Captial?" Tyler says and Alana's eyes brighten at the mention of home. They both love it there.

      "Yes! Wait, Dad, what about all your family and friends?" Alana says cutting up her french toast and I shrug.

       I don't really care where I am, all I need is these two and Nashi. She's out serving the country and hopefully, when she gets back she won't be too mad that I packed up and moved to the capital.

     "Yeah, why not, do you not like the idea?" I ask her and she shakes her head enthusiastically.

      "No, I love the idea! When are we leaving?" Alana says looking at me and I smile at her.

       "I don't know yet, I have to make some arrangements, but hopefully by next week maybe?" I say looking at the two of them and Alana squeals and she jumps up and hugs me.

       " I'm so excited to go home," she says and I smile. 

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