This is how it all went down hill-8

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     Approaching the hotel Summers Hotel is in big bold light up words. Opening a glass door I see the most classy hotel I've ever been in. walking to the elevator I go to the second floor.

     2028 is the room number. So I assume it's at the end of the hall. Upon finding it my assumption was right, it was indeed at the end of the hall, not that last room but close enough.

     Knocking I wait to hear the click of the door. When I do the Salmon haired girl that I fell for al those years ago is standing before me, a much more mature one.

     "Didn't think you'd see the note, or actually come" Nashi says with a big smile, opening the door wider for me to come in. she leans past me after I entering to close the door and heads for the kitchen.

     Deciding on staying silent I follow her.

    "Why wouldn't I come?" finally asking her, not seeing the note is one thing but not coming? Why wouldn't I, I have missed this girl like crazy.

     "I took your kid and ran," she says placing her hand on the counter and leaning on it. She gives me a warm smile telling me she wants me to laugh at it so I do.

     She moves from the counter and to the fridge where she gets two beers, passing one to me and placing one before herself. Ten years ago she wasn't much of a drinker, things change a lot I guess.

     "What did you want me to come here for?" I ask her after I open my beer placing the metal cap on the counter.

       "To talk about what went down on that night ten years ago," she says slowly drinking her beer. I just stare at her. I'm shocked but that is the only thing she'd want me to come here for, we already went over everything for the kids.

       "What is there to talks about you made it clear that night, "I said and I took a drink from my beer. I actually really need this beer right now I guess, more than I imagined.

       "I was wrong, I was never mad maybe for a week but no I wasn't always mad," she says, looking at her hands. Picking at her nails. "When you cheated on me I took that as an opportunity to leave, I left everything behind."

      I looked at her in shock she was in front of me. She is opening a new beer as she just chugged her last one.

          "Wait so why did you not let me have Alana, "I asked

        "Because I wanted her to be able to see the world but I came back so you can raise her your way now," Nashi said I nodded and drank some more of my beer.

          "Why did you want me to come here today, "I asked her and I finished my beer. Too fast for my liking but whatever.

        "Cause I still love you," Nashi said I looked her in the eye but she grabs my collar, pulling me forward. Kissed me, of course, I kissed her back. I never realized she was in front of me until she sat on my lap and kissed me.

      Pulling away briefly to look into her brown eyes. She looks at me with want. Her hands grip my shirt more needily.

       "Storm," her voice is soft. What if this is a spare of the moment thing? What if she regrets it and hates me for it?

     "Please, I need you," she says slowly unbuttoning my shirt her pleading eyes don't leave mine. Has another man touched her? Probably, just look at her.

     "You don't have a boyfriend right Nashi?" I ask her just to make sure, I do have a tendency to cheat and I don't want her to have one too.

     "I haven't been with anyone since you, I couldn't," she says, smiling I pick her up and I carry her over to where her bed is. 

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