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Finally the HaHacienda was renovated to their liking and both Harley and her J were happy.

After staying with her for a while Joker approved of her homely atmosphere and ordered his "loyal associates" to come around by night and drop off his belongings.

Joker had his night of rendezvous all planned out, his henchmen would load up around 8, 8:30 and the very second they would finish they'd lead up into the back way that he had paved for them, and upon reaching the hideout they would unload and leave no trace of having been there.

It was a well worked out plan since the Joker had it all down to detail, except he didn't know how long the men would take to pack up. In fact, they were packing quite the load. They had to incorporate all of Joker's earnings, clothing, cars, and weapons into one trip, and that too much more thought than necessary.

The henchmen were scrambling about the old warehouse, picking this or that and assigning it to a certain place, to be put a certain way, in order to please Joker.

"Boss said we had to bring him everything!"

"Well he can kiss my-"

Obviously, his henchmen weren't too happy about their little moving job, of course, it was an awful hassle. It took a good four men to lift just one of Joker's vaults; and those only contained a small bit of his earnings. They all knew that this night would be a much longer night than they wanted.

Meanwhile, in the HaHacienda, Harley was busy preparing dinner. She was focused on cooking a nice meal for her hardworking man. Joker was up all day and night planning his move and barely got a wink of sleep.

She marinated some chicken and stuck it in the oven, and checking on the pasta soon after. Her pretty face proved her well, and since she wasn't as pale as the Joker and of a fair skin tone, no one raised suspicion against her when she walked into the grocery store for the ingredients. Only problem was she had shoplifted from them, but since no one saw, she was in the clear.

Harley walked back and forth, going from chicken, to pasta, to sauce and back again, sporting her 'kiss the cook' apron.

Upon hearing her name, her bright blues focused on the tall man at the top of the stairs, who was wearing a particularly large smile.

"Harls? Harls! Oh that does smell delicious! Know what else is delicious, my dear? My plan!"

He moved himself down the stairs and with his legs crossed and hands folded, he sat down in a chair and explained to her his plan.

"Tonight, Harley, is when the boys are bringing down a few things that I left in my old place, just so you know. And I have the route planned perfectly...First the boys are gonna take the back streets past Main and right before they reach the garage I have an alarm set up."

The Joker showed her the monitor that he would watch them through, and then continued his plan.

"Then with the alarm the door will automatically open, all they do is bring the stuff in, easy as pie! And you my dear, can help me separate it all between us..."

At the very sound of his 's' the kitchen timer went off.

"Food's ready puddin!"

Harley accustomed the name 'puddin', from pudding, her reward for him back at Arkham.

"Bring it on, babe!"

Harley served him a generous plate; the pasta, a soft buttery substance, that was layered with savory, golden chicken, and topped off with a large helping of a white creamy Alfredo sauce that filled the room with its incapturing scent.

The Joker only needed one sniff before he dug in, complementing the meal from beginning to end, in his head.

After both finishing their meal, they accompanied eachother to the television, curious of what idiocy was happening in Gotham at the moment. Upon getting comfortable, the monitor sang with alert and the two of them jolted up as fast as they sat down.

"Stand here Harley, these idiots can't drive."

Joker ordered Harley to stand a bit behind him, because indeed the henchmen drive drove terrible. Open went the garage door and a purple Lamborghini flew in, driven by a henchmen that quickly exited.

"Here's the car you requested boss, the truck with the stuff and the other cars are comin soon."

Joker allowed the henchmen to leave and moved the lamborghini deeper into the driveway. Soon after, a giant trunk pulled into the back of the driveway and up came the metal backing to show stacks of furniture and boxes.

"Well done boys!" Joker clapped, "Help unload and you'll be on your way."

The henchmen did as they were told, lifting box from box from box, and placing the pieces of furniture carefully aside, to be moved at a later time. Then the vault came out, and it was placed before the Joker, and reaching for it, he beckons Harley to come to it as well.

"Harls baby, cmere. Look Harley, pick something out this here vault, for all your hard work, you deserve it."

Harley went ecstatic, 'a gift!' she thought. Upon him opening it, out poured the most gorgeous array of jewelry she had ever seen, and he described it as his most valuable batch. In it there was a blinding view of diamonds, and rubies, and emeralds, along with 24 karat gold and bright sterling silver.

Her arms reached in carefully, picking through the hill of jewels. Finally she pulled out a long golden necklace with a diamond heart pendant.

"It's perfect for you, doll."

Harley smiled up at her lover, as he approved of her choice, and she draped it delicately around her neck and over her shoulders, to wear until she couldn't no more.

Once the henchmen left, the two looked around at the countless boxes and weapons and cabinets and metal tables and cars in a row.

"Cmon Harley, lets go upstairs."

The Joker led his gorgeous jester up and around the new items, and swept her into his arms upon reaching the stairs.

"You like your new necklace pooh? Well... There's plenty more where that came from, if. Your a good girl..."

And the two ascended up the stairs and into the darkness of their hallway, to enjoy the rest of their night, in undisturbed peace.

I'm so sorry this chapter was kinda slow guys, but I'm working on making the next chapter a bunch better! R&R my lovelies, and don't leave your seat, Harley channel will be back in a moment.

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