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Joker had already loaded his weapons inside the van. The henchmen were running back and forth, following his monotonous orders. Harley then ran out to the van, tossing herself onto Joker's arm.

"Puddiiiiin, can I come? Please please please please please?"

"No pooh, stay here and relax, daddy has some dangerous work to do, and I don't want you getting hurt, okay?"

As Harley nodded and shuffled off, Joker yelled for his henchmen to get in position; they were about to leave.

Climbing into the driver's seat, Joker hit the gas, and the van flew out of the garage space. Speeding down the back streets, Joker recited his plan once more.

"We get in, get what we need, and get out. You heard? Shoot anyone in your way."

Slamming the brakes in front of the Gotham City Mint. The henchmen jumped out, an array of bullets everywhere. They ricocheted everywhere and soon it became a trial in trying to get through the Mint doors.

Joker screamed for his men to fall back, and threw a smiling grenade at the Mint doors, a few more in its tracks and the doors opened as easily as any.

The guards inside the Mint had been knocked out with the explosions, so all that was left was to open up the vaults. Joker had his henchmen going to work, and slowly opening up the vaults and tossing the bills into burlap sacks and loading them into the truck.

Occasionally one heard a small release of bullets, which were being used to take down anyone who interfered, but the loss wasn't great. Most people who were still conscious stuck to the floor and only watched the destruction, forcefully laughing when Joker made a dry joke of the situation.

Gasps were heard when a familiar tall, leather dressed figure arrived.

"Drop it."

The only words issued out of Batman before the henchmen began to drop like flies. Joker followed the remaining henchmen to the truck, but instead of driving he ran to bulk space and drove himself out in a little car, the henchmen leasing the truck in an opposite direction.

Joker was in a small, innocent, modernly designed car, and barely raised an suspicion at all.

Batman has unknowingly followed the henchmen out the other end and the Joker wasn't complaining. Bats was following the wrong lead and here he was on easy Street.

Joker lied back on the soft leather upholstery and drove peacefully back home, to greet his loving girlfriend. Thinking of how lonely she could be, gave him a sense of urgency, and suddenly he found himself speeding the car up to go to her.

He noticed a car, not too far of him, already honking at another car, obviously not too happy. Spitefulness awoke in him and he too wanted to get that particular driver mad. So naturally, he drove carefully up beside the car and without proper notice he cut him off, and being the jerk he knew he wanted to be, moves back into his original lane.

Now the other driver, already ticked off by his bad day, had enough shenanigans. Our angry driver excelerates up to met the Joker's car, lowers his window and begins to yell insults.

Joker though, being the passive man he is, only turns his head to smile at the man, suddenly injecting fear. The man waves fearfully and speeds off, though the Joker follows him, carefully weaving between cars.

The man drives off the exit and heads into a road through woods, going as fast as his small car would allow, with Joker heavy on his tail. To the man's great misfortune though, Joker swipes in front and blocks his path, stopping him dead in his tracks.

The man, desperate to get away, drives in reverse and then forwards into a baracade and down a road into the woods. Soon afterwards the car ran out gas, and the man was forced out of his car and began to run.

Run up until he could run no more and rested himself against a tree, sure he had lost the Joker. Much to his dismay a branch broke behind him and the Joker's snicker could be heard, but before the man had time to run away Joker had him cornered.

"What did you say you were gonna do to me, CHUMP?"

"I'm sorry, really, I had a bad day... boss turned down my raise and-"

"Listen my rude friend, we can't just have people cursing at eachother on the freeway. It's simply not polite."

After lifting him by the top hem of his shirt the Joker peaked out from under his top hat, shaking a disappointed finger.

"I'm just going to have to teach you some manners..."

The Joker reached his gloved hand deep under his blazer and before he could pull out his hand with the object the man plead

"Please don't, I have a family...a wife, a little boy... Please, I'll do anything to make it up. Anything."

The Joker let a smile creep onto his lips as his lifted the man closer

"Anything, Says you?"

As the terribly shaking man lifted his head up and down in a nod, and mumbled a small 'uh huh...' Joker let go of the man, dropping him to the ground.

"Okie dokie! Wallet."

The man fumbled inside his back pocket for his wallet, handing it to Joker with a shaking hand and pleading once more.

"Are- are you sure? I don't have much cash..."

"Oh puh-lease, don't insult me!"

Joker opens up the man's wallet and pulls out his ID, holding between two of his fingers. Squinting his eyes he read of the card.

"Charles Michael Collins...that's you! Lousy picture though, lou-sy. Address, height, weight, blahblahblah! Right-i-oh Chuckers! Here's the deal, I let you off if you promise to do a little favor meeee..."

Charlie, having calmed a little bit leaned forward and asked.

"Okay, what?"

Joker, with his distemper rising under his skin, shouted out.

"I DON'T KNOW! I HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF IT YET! You just tottle on back to your mundane, meaningless little life and when I need you, I'll call. There, good, great! I'll be in touch."

Joker walked away, headed back towards the HaHacienda, and back to Harley.

Upon entering inside he threw down the ID and her tired ocean eyes, drifted to it.

"Who's that J?"

"Only a friend I made today Pooh, I'll tell you about him tomorrow, come on now, you look tired. I'll take you to bed."

And with his few words he lifted Harley off the couch, of course she was waiting up for him all night, so he surprisingly felt bad. Joker pulled her close to his chest, and walked her now-sleeping figure to her lavish room and placed her carefully in her bed, and with a delicately placed kiss to her forehead he left to get some rest for himself.

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