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Joker shook Harley awake softly.

"Today's the day, Harls!"

He had planned out the perfect heist for them both, a small jewelry store as their first target, as he decided it would be better to start off small.

Harley rubbed her baby blue eyes and allowed them to flutter open, making eye contact with him almost instantly. A smile crept onto her face as she knew by his expression what day it was.

Without a word, the two of them slipped downstairs and chomped down a few thin pieces of bread and ran over his newly finished plan one more time.

"Can I sit on ya lap, J? Please please pleeasssse?"

"Fine, cmere just pay absolute attention to the plan."

He explained it to her in steps and was very detailed in his approach. She, on the other hand, was just freaking out that he actually let her sit on his lap.



"You listening pumpkin?"


As Joker repeated his plan once more, she focused on obtaining the information, and she did. After both having a few sips of water, Joker lifted Harley up the stairs and dropped her off in front of her room so that she could get into her jester suit. Giddy, Harley ran inside and rummaged through her small closet, pulling out her jester suit. Harley blew at it to remove some of the dust and then shook it a little to remove the rest. Slipping out of her pajamas, Harley donned her jester suit and slipped into their accompanying shoes. Joker was picking which suit he should wear when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in Harls."

Harley crept inside quietly and reached for the makeup he allowed her and began to put some on, while Joker decided for some conversation.

"Harley? Which you do you like better?"

"Well uh, whaddayamean J?"

"I mean, pumpkin, do you prefer makeup you? Or no makeup you?"

"Actually, J, the me I like best is the me that makes you happy."

He ended their conversation promptly, only because he couldn't pick which of her he liked best. To him, they were both the same woman inside.

The Clown Prince was finally able to pick out a suit, going with his usual purple one. Slipping behind the dressing blind, he changed as quick as he could, his anticipation getting the best of him already. Harley, naturally, couldn't help but sneak a few peeks of his shadow while he was changing. Upon getting out he placed a soft kiss on Harley's painted cheek and joined her at the vanity to put on his lipstick.

After prepping the both of them with gases, weapons and such they hopped into one of the Jokers cars and sped away to the small store.

After helping Harley out the car, Joker bashed in a window and threw a smoke bomb inside. Waiting until the entire place was filled with smoke, the two of them waltzed in, bashing in the jewelry cases and grabbing whatever they pleased. Little did they know that the store owner had pressed the silent alarm and that the GCPD and Batman were on their way.

Soon enough, the sirens caught their attention and Joker ushered Harley to leave, but unfortunately for them, the police had already surrounded them by the time they finished gathering their things. Joker had a strategy and threw a smoke bomb outside to distract the police and he grabbed Harley and began to make their run for it. But Batman had been waiting for them, and once they reached the corner a batarang flew passed Harley's ear. Emitting a squeal, she dodged another and before either of them could think, Joker threw another smoke bomb and started to run off, hoping Harley was behind him. But actually Harley was lost in the smoke, she didn't expect it, and she was feeling her way for him. Suddenly a strong grip overtook her arm and she emitted a loud excitable squeak as she though it was the Joker grabbing her.


But she soon found, with no notice, her face was smashed against the brick wall and she knew, it wasn't J. Batman cuffed her hands behind her back and led a struggling Harley to the police. She began to yell obscenities the police threatened her suit.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be held against you."

Without any hesitation, she yelled out in desperation

"Jaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy! Mistah JAAAAY!"

They laughed at her seemingly mild behavior and pushed her into the back seat of the police vehicle. She sat grumbling and crossed her arms together, waiting for the police to just hurry up and fall unconscious, but they never did. The two officers lowered themselves into the driver's seat and the driver let out a giant fart.

"What the hell Dan?"

"It wasn't me Mark, honest!"

The officer in the driver's seat stood up and lifted a whoopee cushion, but attached to it was a note that only Harley could see, luckily for her, the officer threw it into the back of the car as a seemingly sick joke.

Harley reached for it with her locked together hands and lifted the cushion and felt the very softness of the paper, recognizing everything. On the note it said:

' Dear Harley,

Don't you worry about those nasty ol officers, I'm gonna get you out baby, just sit tight.

Mr. J '

She couldn't help but break out into a laugh, secretly triumphant that her Mr. J was coming to get her, only she didn't know how long it would take.

With Love,      𝓜𝓇. 𝒥   Where stories live. Discover now