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After waking up in the dim lighting of his room, Joker turned his head to the side, smiling to his lover, who was fast asleep still. His eyes were drawn to her face, and just the raw beauty entranced him enough to stare at her for a while. Her breaths flowing quietly as he lifted his hand to play with her tangled blonde locks, curling them around his index finger.

Joker knew he couldn't keep her asleep forever, but a little part of him wished that he could.

Eventually, he lowered his face to her cheek and tried to wake her up with a few loving pecks, but he didn't succeed. Next, he tried butterfly kisses, being overly careful not to be too forceful as he leaned down to kiss her closed eyelids. Her eyelids fluttered open slowly and as she opened her mouth to utter a good morning, but was silenced by his lips in a quiet, sloppy kiss.

After a while of tossing, turning, and teasing the two of them settle back down, cooing as they laid against each other, and eventually, the pair fell back asleep.

Meanwhile, far enough from the pair, the henchmen were hard at work in the back streets of Gotham. They were scattered across the city, gathering info about all the other goons around town.

Frost, as everyone called him, was walking down a shady street in the dim light of the morning when one of the back alley gang leaders called for him.

" Frost, Frost, hey Frost ─ I got something good for ya. "

As reluctant as he was to walk into the dark alley, he did, looking both ways behind him first. He quickly slipped into the dark alley where the leader was waiting for him with a batch of startling news.

" You see your boss? " The leader snickered, " He's a loser now. There's this new guy on the streets and he's called the Squid. "

" The Squid? "

" Shaddup an' lemme talk- anyway, the guy got bagged by the cops around midnight. Word on the street is . . . the guy killed Batman. "

" Hole- y Sheep Shit. "

" That's what I said, now uh- how 'bout a lil somethin' for all the help? "

Frost quickly slipped the male a fifty dollar bill and called his fellow goons back to the Ha-Hacienda.

The news was spread between them and immediately they began to throw dice, the loser has to wake Joker and give him the news.

" Yo Rocky, if you ain't gonna throw the dice then give 'em to me. " Frost teased, in an attempt to make him lose focus.

" I'm rollin', I'm rollin', keep yer pants on. " Rocky smiled, having just rolled a six and a three. He swiftly passed the dice over to Bones.

" C'mon baby, daddy needs to live! " After rolling pair of sixes, Bones kept chuckling throughout, imagining the fate of the poor sucker who had to break the news to Joker.

"Alright, your turn frosty, you need more than a nine." Frost wound his arm once he got hold of the dice, and took a steady throw towards the wall.
Snake eyes.

"Snake eyes, bad luck Frosty."

The other two grinned, nudging him eagerly up the stairs. Frost on the other hand, cowered his way forward, clearly tiptoeing up the steps.

It was so quiet inside the room that a pin drop would rattle the silence completely.

Frost approached the door and rapped only twice, fearful of having woken up the sleeping pair.

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