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Finally, after having waited painstakingly all afternoon it was time for Joker to make his move.

Opening up a secret compartment next to the steering wheel, he pulled out what he needed. He lifted up a single grappling hook and a doctor's coat and stumbled out the boat side.

By now it had already begun to rain, which would make his slipping in and out much easier.
As he snuck his way up the small stone staircase and up to the prison wall and shot up the grappling hook and climbed his way over. He moved quickly and quietly as he avoided the prison guards and their lights up in the watchtower.

Approaching the front door and adjusting his disguise, he casually walked in, greeting all the doctors he passed very politely, also while ushering himself forward.
He sped his way into an elevator by himself and sneakily opened a blueprint of the prison that The Calculator issued him.

"West Wing, West Wing, West Wing... Ah! Here we go."

The Clown Prince pressed the W button on the elevator and lifted up, reciting to himself her cell number.

Upon reaching the floor, he left quickly. Almost floating in how he moved, up until he came to a security check.

"Fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck..."

Joker let his pickpocketing skills do the work as he carefully slid an ID card from the pocket of a doctor just before reaching the check in. Handing the guard the ID and waltzing behind the metal detectors, he kept moving.

Upon reaching her cell where she recognized him instantly, a large smile entrenched her face and she began to whisper to him the ways she's seen the guards open the doors.

Unfortunately for them they weren't alone in the hall and Lex spoke out.

"Excuse me? May I also have some assistance?"

Joker spun around and gave him a nasty look.

"Harls? Who is this idiot. "

"He's not an idiot puddin, he's Lex, my friend!"

A large sigh escaped from the Joker, and looked down to Harley, who was wearing big, sorrowful eyes.

"You don't expect me to take him, do you?"

"Oh pleeeaaaaase puddin, he's like a Dr. Phil but less 'I reckon'-y. Oh, can we take em, please please PLEEEASEEEEEEE. "

She whispered loudly, her nose pressed against the glass and a wide smile on her face.


Joker unlocked Harley's cell first and as they feared a large alarm went off, only possibly because he might have just kicked the lock in to open it, but besides that. Lex was banging against his door and got out only because Harley came to his aid, since Joker was busy fighting off the rushing doctors.

Soon enough the three of them were rushing down the flight of stairs to the main lobby.

"Listen, I've broke my way out of here a few times, you go to the-"

"Baldy, I hate to cut you off, but this my operation. We go where I say we go. Capiche? Capiche."

The trio ran out through the front door, straight into the blinding lights, and up and onto the wall. Joker, being the exuberant gentleman he is, helped Harley over the wall, and they both left Lex behind to start up the boat.

Fortunately Lex got himself up and inside the boat before they started off.

"Um, thank you Harley, your... Uh... Boyfriend is quite pleasant."

"I told you he'd be here! An soon too, my puddin loves me don't cha puddin?"

Harley draped her arms over his shoulders, which were moving slightly due to him steering the wheel. And though they had company he leant over and kissed her cheek, resuming his driving duties.

At Gotham Harbor, Joker and Harley departed from Lex, who arranged, by now, for someone to pick him up. And as Harley and Joker rode home with their goons, she expressed her happiness.

"Oh J I knew you'd come an' get me! Oh, I love ya, I love ya, I love ya!"

"Love you too, Harls."

Harley cupped his face in her hands and gave his nose a little kiss, and cooed to him like a small child. Despite his tough demeanor he liked being babied, and so he babied her back, cooing into her ears and cradling her in his arms.

"Boss, we're here."

Joker lifted Harley up and heaved her inside, still cooing. Joker missed her to the fullest and felt it okay to show it, even if they weren't completely alone.

Flipping her playfully onto the couch, the couple was left to play wrestle and watch a few movies before being cut off my the breaking news on screen.

"This is Summer Gleeson with all the latest news, breaking news in Metropolis tonight, as Gotham's own Harley Quinn has escaped from Stryker's Island Prison. Joker was also at scene with another yet to be recognized inmate, more tonight on the story at 11, back to you Jen."

Joker leant closer to the television, laughing hysterically at it before shutting it off.

"Fools, oh how foolish."

The Clown Prince turned back to his Maiden of Mischief and dug his nose into her neck, sending her giggling. Suddenly a small rush of heat engulfed him, and he found a warm fuzzy feeling with her.

Her giggling only helped the situation when he tickled her more, but it also sparked his memory.

"Harley? Harls, can I ask you something serious?"

"Sure puddin, anythin!"

He took a deep breath before speaking.

"Did... Anyone is that prison hurt you? In any way?"

"Not really, why?"

Joker explained his nightmare, and even though he spoke with an unwavering tone, his eyes let all his emotions through.

Harley simply held his head and snuggled into him, hoping it would make him feel better.

"I just won't know what to do if they hurt you. Actually, I might kill em!"

He joked, half serious, but eventually gave into her cuddling. And soon after, the two of them were asleep on the couch, unaware of all the problems of Gotham.

Snoring softly, Joker instinctively wrapped his arms around her, engulfing her in a familiar warmth. The two slumbered peacefully into the witching hour, but the night would soon surrender its peacefulness.

With Love,      𝓜𝓇. 𝒥   Where stories live. Discover now