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Joker nearly flew down the stairs, he could barely sleep all night. With a slam on the table, he yelled to his henchmen, who have been watching the prison system since they got home.


"We don't know boss, she wasn't checked into any of the prisons we searched."


Joker's henchmen searched every prison database in Gotham, and after she wasn't found in any them, Joker threw a fit. The Clown Prince turned his face away from his henchmen before allowing a few guilty tears to fall slowly down his cheek. As they began to roll off his chin he wiped them away angrily.

"Check outside of Gotham. NOW."

His henchmen tapped away at the laptops, and Joker left to get some much-despised help.


In a small back alley, the Joker shut the door of his car and began walking down the street; in almost complete disguise he waltzed into an apartment building where he arranged to meet someone that might just be able to help him.

He gave three knocks in a specific sequence and the door was opened to him. As the Joker walked into the dark room he overheard a man clicking away at a computer.

"Ah, Jack, sit down, sit down."

Joker despised being called Jack, but he would let it slide only this once, but only this once.

"Noah, Noah Kuttler, I'm glad we finally have the chance to meet in person. Edward told me you were coming, what can I do for such a criminally experienced man such as you."

Noah extended his hand and after Joker shook it mildly, he offered him a chair and Joker went straight to business.

"I need everything you got on Harleen Quinzel, I need to find her."

"Harleen Quinzel huh? Says here she worked at the asylum-"

"Actually, let me be more specific, I need to know what prison she's in..."

"Prison you say? Alright, give me a second."

First Noah ran a scan through all the prison databases in Gotham, and as Joker's henchmen, it proved fruitless.

"For sure she's not in Gotham, I'll widen the radar."

Noah extended his search through Blüdhaven, Gateway City, Metropolis, and Star City.

"I think I found you girl, says here she's on Stryker's Island, cell 10892, West wing."

"Where the hell is that?"

"Metropolis?? Dirty bastards. Thanks, Cal, I'll have a guy drop some stuff down here for you."

Joker left the building mumbling angrily, 'boy are they gone get it' he thought.

"Taking my Harley I'LL SHOW THEM, I wonder what they're doing to her now..."


Harley was forced out her jester suit by the female guards and was mumbling the whole time, a bit impatient now.

"Go'head laugh all ya want, J is gonna find me and you're gonna regret it!"

"Shut it Blondie."

She was being dragged into the highest level of security, the West Wing. Almost immediately she was thrown into a thick glass cell with barely any living space, across from a bald-headed man.

"Hey! Wait! You can't leave me here! That's a guy! A man! And there's no curtains, no privacy! What if I need to pee???"

The guards simply walked away from her, laughing about some joke about a lawnmower.

Harley sat on the flattop bed that was hard as a rock and spoke to herself.

"Well ,who has that many numbers onna door anyway."

The bald man across from her whispered across, eventually catching her attention.


"Actually, it's who, and I am Lex Luthor."

"Well whatdoya want, a metal? Good for you."

"I'm trying to make your acquaintance here."

"Well, I don't want an acquaintance made, thank you very much."

Lex Luthor eventually caught her attention for much longer, and started a conversation. Soon enough they were decently introduced and spoke of how much they hated the heroes they longed to conquer.

"Superman, ah yes, he's so sickeningly kind. I almost feel bad for all the idiots that put their faith in him. See Harley, it's facade I tell you. He's going to turn against humanity, I can smell it."

To the Jokers dismay, Stryker's Island was harder to find than he expected and having took too long to prepare her break out it was morning when he arrived. Dawn had come and the Jokers plan was spoiled for the day, all he could do was sit in his decoy boat and wait for night to arrive.

Joker opened up a small booklet at his side and scribbled angry words onto the lines. He mumbled about how it was all Batman's fault and let his head hit the wheel when the realization came that he was also at fault.

"I should've grabbed her...I shouldn't have let go..."

The horn let out its scream as he banged his head against the symbol.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot! No use getting upset now I suppose, the deed is already done. I hope my Harley is okay..."

Joker rested his back against the soft leather seat, and despite all the sunlight seeping in through the windows he allowed himself to drift asleep.

He sat up in his chair, outside he heard laughter. His favorite thing besides crime. They were two cops and they were lackadaisical in their slouching around.

"I've never seen such a stubborn bitch."

"Neither have I, but she cried like damn baby..."

Joker read their lips and suddenly his heart fell, 'Harley', he thought. They better not be talking about her.

"You know, I was gonna help her but her legs were locked at the knee. Shame too, what idiot could she want so much?"

The two men laughed together as if it were some pleasant day. Joker left the car with his disguise and despite his strong urge to, he didn't punch them, in fact his legs led him to the back of the building, where screaming could be heard.

His heart began to race, the screams becoming more and more audible.


There was something about those screams that made his knees fall weak and he nearly flopped against the stone wall. The screams mixed in with the men's laughter in his head and he could only imagine what could be happening to her. He struggled to scratch at the brick, ripping at his fingers skin and crying small inevident tears.

"Harley... HARLEY!"

Suddenly his body jolted up, and he felt the beads of sweat drip down his face.

It was a nightmare.

And for good reason he was pleased that it was, Joker breathed heavily as he started the boat.


He had time to spare before it got dark and he opened his book again and began to scribble.


I'm sorry I left you baby.

In a small fit of rage he suddenly ripped out the page and closed up the book, writing only made him sadder, and he pulled out the keys and closed the door. He was going to survey the area and mark the guarding officers.

He made it his job to be ready for when he was going to rescue her, and if a single hair on her was harmed.

They'd feel it.

With Love,      𝓜𝓇. 𝒥   Where stories live. Discover now