Arabella - One

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**A/N: i started this story when i was still pretty fresh out of high school so if there are any contentual issues (like childish stuff or things that don't make a lot of sense) please be aware of the time of writing. overall, i still believe it's a really great story so enjoy!**


Looks like I've made a horrid mistake. I don't know how I could have been so stupid to have let it happen but I did. Now here I am, alone and pregnant with the whole world against me and they don't even know what's real or not. They just go by what they see... Not the facts.


Never, ever marry if you have any sort of doubt. I'm not talking about the little jitters before the marriage where you're excited but scared because you have your whole life ahead of you. I mean the ones where as you're putting your wedding dress on you're going 'I think I'm making a mistake'. If that thought ever runs through your mind, you should run away and find some happiness somewhere because along the lines, you're going to be right.
Unfortunately, I didn't and now I'm stuck in this predicament and no one understand how I got there. I know exactly how I got here but other people just assume the worst and avoid me like the plague now. If you would like the know the real story, I will by all means tell you how it all really happened.

First off, my name is Arabella Rickward. I was Arabella Tempo up until about three months ago when I got divorced. Yes, I said divorced. I was married to a man named Trevor who lived in a foreign country that my family was stationed at. See, my family was in the military but my father retired and so now we're back in the states in good old New York! Whoo!
Anyhow, while we were stationed off, we lived in this remote sort of village and I grew up there until I was about ten. Trevor was one of the few friends that I had there but my father got stationed off in other places. Ironically, his last assignment was back in the same little village we were in before. I met up with Trevor again and he had grown into a handsome devil. We hit it off really well and before my father left to go back home, Trevor asked to marry me. I immediately said yes but I was only sixteen. In his village, Trevor was of age to be married but not where I had come from.
I was putting the wedding dress on and I thought how this didn't feel right. It didn't feel like the joyous occasion I was supposed to be having. It felt dirty... It almost felt schemy... But I didn't care, I was in love and I felt that it was part of my marriage jitters.
Boy was I in for a surprise. He married me and then applied to become a US citizen so that he could come back home with me. He was given a green card and we lived happily for a while. That was until he found out how great it was in the US to be a man and the sort and soon, he started acting different toward me. We never made love or anything that a married couple should do. We were both underage so we had to still go to school and the like.
Then, some months ago, all of a sudden Trevor decided he wanted to be very intimate with me. I'm talking so much erotica that I thought I was in a porn movie! It was the single most thrilling experience in my life and I believed that Trevor still loved me.
Wrong again.
Three months ago he throws up that he wants a divorce. I said why? And he made up some bullshit and the court actually let him go through with it and now I am divorced. But the clincher is pretty funny because about a month ago, I went and took a pregnancy test and what do you know? I'm pregnant.

So here I am, two months prego and no husband. I'm kind of estranged from my parents because they were vividly set against our marriage and I pitched a fit. When I told them I was pregnant they were sympathetic but said that they had already turned my room into a wreck room and it was too full of stuff for me to come back. I said, thanks a lot, and found myself someplace to live. It's a little apartment thing and my parents are paying for it until I can get a job but I have to do everything myself.
And the friends I had? Pah! I thought they would be on my side but apparently, no one knew that Trevor and I were married, not a couple and it was spread around that I was a skanky whore or something like that. So now I had no friends as well as no husband.

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