Arabella - Nineteen

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I just want you to be safe from harm and close to me. I want nothing else from you other than your love. I don't understand why you can't just trust me and let me show you how wonderful you are. I wish you would understand how you hurt me and yet fill me with great joy at the same time. I know I may not be the best, but just know that I will always love you.


Oh he can't talk right now? Suddenly I'm not important enough anymore. I practically go all the way across New York for him to turn me away like I'm some misbehaving child? I don't think so! I am through with all of this. I don't want to deal with it anymore. If he doesn't want me, I wish he would just tell me instead of beating around the bush. I wish he would just tell me straight up to keep me level. I still have a cold, for God's sake and yet I traveled across the city just to see him... just to understand and he does that?
I get off the bus that is close to my house and trudge my way back to my apartment when I see someone looking inside. I stop and watch as they look in my windows and try the locked door. I frown at the audacity of this robber and grab a rock that is on the ground. I throw it and hit the guy point blank in the back and he makes an 'oomph' sound at the contact, turning.
"Trevor! What the hell are you doing here?! I'm not in the mood for you."
Trevor tries to touch his back where the rock had hit him as he walks down the stairs and walks up to me.
"Rumor had it that you were sick. I came to check on you." He says, hissing a little at the pain from the rock.
I cross my arms over my stomach. "I don't need you."
"I wanted to see if you were okay."
"As you can see, I'm peachy. What fatherly instinct brought you here besides that lie?"
Trevor smirks at me and leans against the tree that I have stopped at.
"Dear, Arabella; I find it insulting that you don't think I care enough about your health to come and see how you are doing. Considering your boyfriend has forsaken you to the depths of single motherhood and whoreism..."
"That's not a word."
"I know. I just made it up."
"And it's not true. You're such an ass at times, you know?"
"Tut, tut, Bell-Bell; wouldn't want to teach such things to the baby."
"Oh my God, Trevor, if you don't stop acting like a sneaky villain I swear upon God himself I will kill you with my own bare hands. What do you want?! I am not in the mood for you or your snake ways."
Trevor crosses his arms and frowns at me.
"Jeez, Arabella, can't you handle some friendly badgering?"
"If it were friendly, homicidal thoughts wouldn't be running through my brain."
"I really did come to see how you were. You've been sick before but it never kept you from school."
"Well I'm fine." I snap.
Trevor nods and looks at my stomach for a moment.
"May I touch it?"
I narrow my eyes at him, unsure of what will happen or if I even trust him but figure he is the father... I roll my eyes at him but gesture for him to go ahead. He cautiously puts his hands on my stomach and the baby rolls in there. A faint smile plays on Trevor's lips and he looks up at me.
"Wonderful. Full of life."
"Despite what you think, I know how to provide for my child."
He nods and then smirks again, this time with a strange look in his eyes. I decide that now is the time to pull away from him and then I look around, realizing what time it is.
"Trevor, why are you here at 5:00 in the morning?"
Trevor lifts an eyebrow and sticks his hands in his pockets.
"Out for a brisk walk." He answers casually.
He begins to walk away, whistling a tune and I watch him as he leaves, confused by his behavior. He creeps me out sometimes.
I open the door and flip the light switch on but realize that the power is out because I haven't been over to pay the power bill. I sigh, growling at my state of affairs as of now and sit on the couch. I am very glad that I bought the most comfy couch that I wanted or all this laying on it would be painful. I light a candle and crash from my little sojourn.


A knock awakens me and I moan, getting up off the bed and I look in the peep hole. It is Bourne and I growl.
He is jumping up in down a little, breathing like he's in Lamaze class from the cold. After a few moments he coughs and knocks on the door, making me jump even though I can see him doing it.
"Arabella, open up. I know you're in there." He says, looking in the peep hole.
I move out his way for a moment and just stand there.
He knocks again and I sigh, leaning my head against the door.
"Arabella, are you really going to do the silent treatment to me? I told you I would come and explain everything to you but you have to open the door!"
"Go away! I don't want to talk anymore."
"That's bull, woman. Open up! It's freezing out here!"
"I don't care. You treated me like garbage and then I go and try to ask you about it-"
"At work! I was at work! I couldn't stay because the belt was going and someone had been taken from their place to replace me until I got there. Come on, Arabella! I'm serious! I'm freezing!"
"Why are you being so difficult? Do I need to prove myself to you again?" he says in mockery.
I look in the peep hole and see he is still jumping on his toes and is breathing into his hands to warm himself.
"Please just go away, Bourne. I can't take your wishy-washy love. First you love me unconditionally and then I'm pond scum... I don't know what to do anymore."
"If you'd let me in I could explain and we can work things out! Come on! There's a snow storm coming and if I get caught out here I can die, you know!"
I open the door quickly and stick my tongue out at him, slamming it back.
Bourne looks flustered for a moment and then growls, pounding on the door.
"That was sick. Please let me in."
"Go away, vampire. You're not invited!"
"Don't compare me to Edward Cullen!"
"I was talking about Dracula!"
"I'm not a bloodsucker!"
"I don't care what fantasy creature you are! Just let me be!"
"I'm not leaving until you open the door."
"Then you'll have the risk the storm."
"Ugh! You are impossible!!!!"
I growl but leave the door, going back to the couch, unintentionally grabbing the remote to turn the TV on. I remember that I have no power when it blinks on and shows a channel. I look around for a moment and then get up, turning the lamp on. It clicks on and I flip the switch. Then I frown. That busy body! He went and paid my power bill! It was sweet but I was trying to be mad at him.
Some hours went by and I could hear the howling winds outside. I looked out the peephole a couple of times but I never did see Bourne. So much for integrity...
I am watching a show when I hear a tiny knock on the door. Thinking it is Bourne, I open the door to tell him off but see no one.
"Ms. Lady?" I look down. "Can I please come in?"
I look at the pile of clothes and the five-year-old Bourne and sigh, smacking, kicking, and shooting myself mentally for not realizing why he was so desperate to get inside.
"Of course you can, sweetie."
He grabs his clothes and runs in, shivering. I get to the kitchen and start making some hot chocolate. I grab a blanket and pick him up, wrapping him tight in the blanket.
"I'm sorry... I didn't realize what you meant."
Bourne looks at me in confusion as he continues to shiver under the big blanket. I rub his shoulders to help generate some heat and hear the kettle stop whistling. I pour the water into the mix and mix it up. I walk back and hand him the mug and he takes a sip.
"Thank you, Arbel." He says with a big grin.
I smile sadly at him and move some of his hair out of his face.
"Are you cold?" I ask.
"Uh huh... It's snowing outside!" he says happily and I almost want to cry.
I sit next to him and put my arm around his shoulders. He puts his feet up on the couch and scooches back, laying his head on me. He sips his hot chocolate a little and makes a loud satisfied sound when he finishes. He hands me the mug and I set it on the table. He snuggles up to me and puts his ear on my stomach.
"The baby is sleeping..." he says softly, his eyes fluttering.
"Yes, he is."
"Mmm... Tired..."
I smile as he conks out and falls asleep on me.
I move and get him situated on the couch, tacoed in the blanket and go to wash out the cup.

Bourne sleeps for a couple of hours as I prepare some lunch in the kitchen. I don't make much since I'm sick and all but I also don't want any leftovers of this. I hear a grunt and I look in the living room as Bourne wakes up. I see two long arms stretch above the couch and then he yelps, standing quickly. Upon seeing me (as he is butt ass naked) he grabs the blanket lightning fast, his face flushing an adorable shade of red and he sits back down.
"I- I'm so sorry!" he yells.
"I didn't see anything."
"Wh-where are my clothes?"
"Right beside you." He grabs his clothes and begins to put them on. "Are you hungry?"
"'Yes..." he says, coming back from around the couch, no shirt on.
I didn't know he was so buff and I can't help but look at his physique. He looks down and puts his hands in his pockets.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd actually stay out there. I didn't realize what you meant when you were trying to clue me in on the snow."
"Yeah... uh... Um..."
"By the way, turning into that cute five-year-old version of yourself to get inside is pretty low." I say with a wink to him.
He frowns a little as he stares at me and I sigh, turning to him fully.
"Alright... Explain what is going on to me."
"Will you listen now?"
"Yes. All ears; you have my full attention."

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