Arabella - Four

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Shock and awe is something that comes every once in a while to keep our reflexes and life course in check. If we didn't have shock and awe, we'd be dull and dreary and have nothing to excite us. For life to have shock and awe, new things need to be introduced. And the thing about new things is that you never know where, when, how, or who it will come to be given by.


Who would have ever guessed that Phoenix's name was really Bourne? I have known him since I started school and no one has ever called him Bourne, not even teachers or those in the office when they called him up. I don't really understand why anyone would want to not correct the situation, but then again, he's rumored as a bully and a gang member. I guess formalities is something that goes out the window when people just fear you. Though, in all honesty, I saw nothing to make me fear him. He was nice as could be and even defended me a little.
Though I can't believe I asked him if he wanted the rest of my soup. Now that means he's going to come over and I'm not really good at entertaining people. I mean, I just don't know what I'm going to do! Then again, he probably said it to mess me up. He seems like the kind of guy who likes to get a reaction to things that he says.
"If you don't mind, I would like to come over and have some more soup... or whatever it is that you're going to be having tonight."
I look up and notice that he is looking at me expectantly with those liquid eyes of gold. I blink at him and suddenly realize what he is saying.
"Y-You really want to come to my house just for food?"
"Well, you cook really well and I've always wanted to try some of your food."
"Really? Why?
"Your food always looked good." He says, looking at the bowl. "Besides, aren't you tired of eating there by yourself and feeling like an outcast?"
I am about to deny it but I sigh, realizing that he is right. Ever since the school found out that I was pregnant, I lost all my friends and what makes matters worse is that I have to look at the man who's baby this is. He actually goes here to my school that sorry asshole.
"Yes... Yes, I am tired of feeling like an outcast. But there's no reason to want to try and rectify the problem. I mean, you've got your own life and I've got mine."
"Whoever said that I didn't want to try?" he says, turning to me.
I look up at him and notice that his eyes to not say that he is begrudgingly offering me his company or that he feels kind of obligated for whatever reason. I actually see genuine concern and it makes me feel a little less like a bloated whale that has been abandoned. My hormones start to act up and my eyes begin to get teary eyed.
"Are you alright?" Bourne asks.
"I'm fine... Hormones and all... Why would you want to hang out with me? I'm the pregnant girl, the one who got knocked up. I'm a disgrace here."
"Who said you were a disgrace?" he asks, anger flaring up in his voice.
"That's not the point, Bourne. Why would you, someone who hardly knows me from Eve, want to make sure that I don't feel like an outcast?"
Bourne clutched his hand hard but released it.
"Arabella, as much as it seems like I have been ignoring you, I have been watching you. I know the true story behind what happened between you and that guy that got you pregnant. I know that you thought it was love and then it turned into betrayal. I know all of that. Which is why, I feel that his leaving you, divorcing you, is wrong and deceitful. I hate seeing you rejected by everyone because that guy lies to his friends... You're a good person." I smile a little and Bourne puts his hand under his cheek as he looks at me. "Besides, I've kind of thought you were cute."
I feel my cheeks flush immediately and try to hide the redness with my hands.
"R-really? You can't be serious."
"I rarely ever joke about a subject like this." He says with a slight frown.
I am about to say something else when I am rammed from the back by someone and I turn. It is Trevor, my ex-husband.
"Pardon. Must be because you're getting fat." He says, his accent coming out.
Bourne stands up, towering over Trevor and glares at him.
"Wanna run that by her again?" he growls.
Trevor looks between me and Bourne and then scoffs.
"You move on quickly. Keep her in check. She's a handful." He says to Bourne and leaves.
I sigh as Bourne looks down at me.
"You can't defend yourself?" he asks gruffly.
"It's complicated."
"That guy is an asshole and is the one that made you pregnant. You let him speak to you like some sort of dime-store floozy."
"I-..." I start but stop because he is absolutely right.
My hormones just take a hold of me and I burst into tears, the realization of everything becoming so clear now. How could I have been so stupid?! How could I have let him pull me along like that and get myself into this mess?
"Look, Arabella, I didn't mean to make you cry but if there's something I hate is that people don't take responsibility for their actions. He tricked you into marrying him so he could become a citizen. Once he became a citizen, he divorced you and left you with a baby to take care of and raise on your own. Yet he has the audacity to come over here and make fun of you and call you names when it's his creation. I don't like that you let him."
"I know! I'm a horrible person!"
I feel my hands leave my face and Bourne looks at me sweetly.
"Don't worry, I can handle him. I just don't want you to feel like that anymore. Alright?"
He nods. "Excellent. I will see you later then."
He gets up, leaving the Tupperware, and leaves the table.


At the end of the day, I am very nervous because one, I heard a rumor that Trevor was beat up (I have a feeling it was Bourne) and two, Bourne is supposed to come over but I just hope he isn't going to be bringing the gargoyle twins. I head for the bus when I hear someone walking behind me. I gulp and turn, finding Tyler and Keisha staring at me.
"You think just because you ate lunch with Phoenix means that you're some sort of Queen Bee or something, Arabella? You're just a skank who can't keep her legs closed and if you aren't careful, Phoenix will have you pregnant too."
"You can't get pregnant when you are pregnant." I growled, rolling my eyes.
"Not the point. Besides, even if he did like you like he acts, he will totally run away when your stomach gets all fat and round like a melon or something." Tyler says, pointing to my already pooching stomach.
I put my hand on my stomach –an involuntary action- and glare at my former friends.
"You know, I was married when Trevor gave me this baby. At least I won't have an STD like you two. And I know you both probably have at least two that your mothers don't know about. Or should I call them and ask?"
Keisha's mouth drops and she puts her hand on her hip.
"You can't say things like that! That's derogatory!"
"Please... Yet you can say anything you want about me, right? Hypocrites. I hope you get enough sleep at night."
"What does sleep have to do with slamming you?" Keisha asks.
"Because I'm sure it's hard to get to bed when the bed bugs and your crabs have territorial fights."
The two girls' mouths drop wide open and I lope off to get to the bus. I wonder what I should make tonight for Bourne's visit?

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