Bourne - Eleven

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A/N: the spanish is from google translate. may not be correct.


Surprises are fun. They bring joy and happiness.

Surprises are sad. They bring heartache and pain.
Surprises are bad. They show light on darkness.
Surprises are surprising. They give us awe.


What seemed like forever in a world of floating and the periodical swim finally ends and I roll over in the bed. I open my eyes and feel that I'm not hot anymore, not burning like I was. I feel the cool air of the fan overhead and sit up on my elbow to look around. Looking at the clock, I can see that it's about two in the morning. The sun isn't out yet and I can feel the tranquil peace of the twilight as frogs sing and crickets play their leg violins. It always happens like this when this happens and out of all the weirdness that that sickness brings on, it always seems to gift me with this recovery.
I stretch a little when I hear something beside me. I look down and practically jump out of my skin. Arabella is sleeping next to me, a T-shirt from my drawer on her body. I look around carefully and turn the lamp on, hoping not to wake her. She moans a little and throws her hand over her face but nothing else happens. I sigh in relief and then pull up the covers.
I have boxers on.
We did nothing.
I put my hand over my heart and then look back at Arabella as she sleeps peacefully. I must have been asleep for a while because I can see her belly from under the shirt, as big as the shirt is. I cautiously reach out to touch the small orb of flesh when Arabella grunts loudly and I pull away fast. I guess this really isn't the time to be doing that sort of stuff. If she woke up she'd flip... And aren't we a couple now? I could swear that we became one in the course of my delirium...
I just shrug, kiss Arabella on the cheek and turn out the light again, looking at where Arabella is sleeping. I wonder how Ma-Ma took her arrival... Then again, why is she here? I hate this sickness, it makes me so whacked out of reality for such a long time. Did she worry about me? Was she scared? Has she been alone?
I turn onto my back and just watch the fan blades turn for a little bit, wondering how I let myself get this far again. If she finds out about me, I'll be heartbroken, just like Humphrey said. I know that if she breaks my heart with rejection, I won't be able to live again. I just won't. With the other girl, I fell for her but I have never fallen this fast for someone. It's even on the brink of love. The way she makes me feel when she talks, walks, smiles, listens to me, makes fun over her stomach, looks at me... everything makes me feel like I've just stepped into heaven.
And the fact that she is pregnant just... I can't fathom why she has attracted me so much. Usually, I would avoid this situation entirely but Araballa's pregnancy seems to just make her so much more beautiful and whimsical. Something about it just makes me want to hold her close and tell her I will never let her down. I look over at her again and she smiles in her sleep. I wonder what she's dreaming about...
"Trevor, stop..." she says and my heart falls.
Her ex-husband... I feel my heart squeeze in repressed feelings and sadness but I breathe in, trying to understand why she would say that.
"Seriously, Trevor, stop it." She says more firmly, a frown on her lips.
I furrow my brows and watch her for a moment.
"You're hurting me!" she snaps, twitching her arm.
As bad as it is, my heart swells up again because I realize that she is having a nightmare.
I touch her face softly and her angry features disappear and she smiles.
"Mmm, Bourne?" she says.
"You're so hot..." she says with a giggle and turns over away from me.
I smirk at her back and feel just a bit accomplished.
I've entered her dreams; that makes things better.


"Bourne, are you awake?" I hear later on in the day.
I open my eyes and see Lochner looking at me with a quizzical expression.
"What?" I ask.
"You had this smirk on your face. What were you doing?" he asks with a wicked glint.
"Pervert..." I mumble as I stretch again and look over. "Was Arabella here or was I having a really vivid dream?"
"No, she's here. Alexis said she could stay since she is living alone and everything. Usually she sleeps on your mother's bed but your last big heat spell came and she stayed up with you until you calmed down. IT exhausted her so she fell asleep on your bed and Alexis didn't have the heart to move her. Plus, you were pretty well out cold so nothing would have happened, right?" I frown at him and he smiles. "Anyhow, are you well enough to get out of bed?"
I stretch again and sit up, swinging my feet over the side. I stand up a little and just head over to the bathroom, answering Lochner's question.
I brush my teeth and decide that I should probably take a shower. I take a piss first and just wait for all that to come out. I'm surprised I have anything to urinate considering I was sweating all my water out but then again, that's why Ma makes me drink water the whole time along with some Gatorade and other stuff. I get my shower and wash all the sweat off of me.


"Estás despierto!" Ma yells as usual when I wake up from this. "It's so good to see you up and about."
"Where's Arabella?"
"She's taking a shower. You two looked so cute together in your bed, almost like a married couple."
I lift an eyebrow at her and she smiles big.
"I take it you like her then?"
"Si, she is good. Cares a lot for you and has stayed the whole time to help us, even though she is with child. Why did you not tell me?"
I shrug. "I didn't think it mattered. It never mattered to me."
"Thanks for letting me use your shower, that felt so good. Bourne!" I hear behind me.
I turn and see Arabella drying off her hair in a robe and smile.
"You are here." I say, feeling instantly stupid.
She smiles. "Yes, I am. I thought you'd never wake up. I thought you were going to burst into flames for a minute there."
I chuckle nervously as I accept the orange juice my mother is handing me.
"Ah, yeah..."
"And that reminds me, everyone said that you had a big tattoo of a phoenix rising from the ashes on your back. I never saw it."
I look over at Ma quickly and she stares at me as well.
"You- you didn't?"
"No. I was looking forward to it too."
"Were the lights on?"
"It's only visible when the lights are out." I say, drinking my juice.
"That's a weird tattoo." She mumbles, heading to the seat beside me. "Why did you want a tattoo like that in the first place?"
"It kind of wasn't a choice." I say with a growl on my voice.
"Eggs?" Ma says, distracting Arabella from the subject.
She digs in and I sigh, looking at the twins as they eat as well. They're both giving me that knowing look and I just jut my chin out at them. I think that Arabella is the one I need. I think she's the one I've been waiting for.
I drive Arabella home and she sighs, looking at her house.
"Man, now I have to clean."
I smile and she looks at me, turning her head.
"What?" I ask.
"I thought you had a motorcycle?"
"I do. Would you rather I pick you up on it?" I say with a frown, already seeing disaster.
She chuckles. "No, just remembered not seeing it for a while."
"You need a car. It would be easier for you."
"Eh... I'm alright with the bus and taxi system. Anyhow, I should get inside."
"Arabella?" She turns to me. "Did we... did we kiss?" I say, motioning to the two of us.
She smiles sadly but nods. "Yes. Twice actually... if you want to know, you became my boyfriend in your delirium."
"Oh... Okay then." I say with a smile and she nods, leaving again. "Arabella?"
"Did... Did your ex ever hurt you?"
"Why do you ask?"
"You mumbled his name in your sleep last night. I thought you were having a dream but I think it was a nightmare."
"That's none of your concern right now, Bourne."
She leaves and I frown at her, wishing she would just tell me the truth.

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