Arabella - Thirteen

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Words. Words make up the things of our life. The can be spoken, shouted, whispered; they make up our life. And sometimes there are words that cannot be said. Words that just can't describe things that have happened.


The shock of everything and the pain of crying and the headache of confusion makes me fall asleep on the floor where I am, just staring at the baby. I drift off to sleep, thoughts coming at me on all different subjects: How could this have happened? What the hell was going on? Why didn't Bourne tell me? Was it his fault in the first place? How long will this last? Will he be this way forever? Will he grow back? Do I need to tell Alexis? What will I do?
I would probably still be lost in thoughts if I didn't feel the prodding of something in my shoulder. I moan and open my eyes slightly to see a small pair of liquid gold eyes staring at me curiously.
"Ms. Lady? Are you awake?" a tiny boy's voice asks me as he stares at me with such innocence.
I blink at him as he continues to stare at me and I sit up a little.
"Ugh, I have a headache..." I mumble as I cross my legs under my belly in an Indian pose.
I run my fingers through my hair and look up at where the little boy is standing and gasp, turning away. He's completely naked.
"Ms. Lady, are you okay?" he asks.
"Ms. Lady? You don't know who I am?" I ask, turning back to him, looking at his face. Bourne shakes his head, his curly red hair swinging with him. "Oh... okay... um..."
"Are you gonna hurt me?" he asks but there seems no fear with the words.
"What? No, of course not. Why would I?"
He shrugs and then gives me a grin and my heart just melts. I don't know what the hell is going on but he I have to say that he is nothing less than adorable.
"I like you. Can I stay here?" he asks.
"Er, I guess... Why? Shouldn't we get you to your mother?"
"It's okay. You're nice."
I lift an eyebrow at that. Being nice isn't a good reason to stay with me but considering that he doesn't know me but does, maybe he just feels comfortable around me. I decide that I'm not going to say anything to Alexis just in case she doesn't know anything about this. Now, the question is how do I entertain my suddenly turned five year old boyfriend who has no memory of me?
I look around to look for the time and frown when I see that it's somehow five o'clock in the evening of the next day. Was it that much a shock? I struggle to get up from the floor and then balance myself out. I sigh in exasperation and then look down at Bourne as he stares at me. He then reaches out and touches my stomach, smiling.
"Baby... How old is it?"
"Almost five months... Are you hungry?"
"I want chicken nuggets." He says, still touching my belly.
"I don't think I have any nuggets. Let's check and see..."
I hold out my hand to him and he grabs it happily and we walk to the kitchen. I frown at the uncleaned room and sigh, dreading the cleanup... I look in the freezer and smile, pulling out some fish sticks.
"I have fish sticks... though, first things first, you need some clothes."
He looks at himself and then looks at his clothes that are in a pile on the floor. He walks over to them and picks up his shirt, which is now about three times too big for him.
"That's good."
"Can you help me pease?"
I nod and he hands me the shirt. I pull it over his face and he sticks his short arms through the humongous holes of the sleeves. He looks down at the gray tee and then flaps his arms.
"I'm a bird!" he says with a grin.
I smile at him and then remember the tattoo. I turn him around and pull the opening of the shirt down. Sure enough, the tattoo that I was neglected to see was showing up colorful and looking like fire.
"How did you get this big picture on your back?"
"Mommy says it was born there. She said it makes me special."
I nod and he turns to me, staring at me with such intensity.
"What is it?"
"You are safe... I know you are..."
I touch his cheek softly. "I won't let you be hurt. I'll protect you."
He stares into my eyes, those glowing suns burning into mine and says as if he was his old self, "I know."
I turn away from him, tears starting to develop, and I stand up to start making the fish sticks and clean the kitchen all at the same time.

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