Arabella - Eight

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It is Murphy's law that anything that can go wrong, does. It is the way of the universe that all good things never last. It is medically known that if a virus is in open vicinity, someone will knock it over. All in all, everything will happen if given the time.

The weeks went on and Bourne showered me with gifts and visits. He took me out to dinner and brought me dinner and even made me dinner one time. Most of the time he asked me to make food for him but it wasn't big challenge. The twins usually stayed their distance from us because Bourne wanted me all to himself but I would give them something to eat as well. With them all around, I hardly ever had a problem with Trevor or the girls. I felt like a new woman, a new wanted person. So I am very surprised when I'm getting ready for a night out with Bourne and something happens.

I look in the mirror and frown at my belly. I've just gotten into month three and already my stomach is showing very badly. I mean, extreme prego. I put on a shirt that fit me two days ago and whimper at how it doesn't even work anymore. I decide to bum it and begrudgingly use one of the maternity shirts I got from the mall. I groan angrily at the mirror as the shirt I put on fits perfectly and unbinding. I frown at the bulge my stomach has made of itself and poke it.
"Hey, you mind not getting huge in there?" I tell the baby.
Of course I get no response but then again, I'm talking to a belly. I know I need to get over this shyness with me being pregnant soon because in month four I hear that you really start to round out. I want to love this baby but I'm just so insecure, with me being in high school and all the stereotyping... If Trevor had stayed with me then maybe it would have made a difference. I hear a knock on the door and quickly grab some leggings so I can just open the door.
"Just a moment!" I yell. I get to the door as I struggle with the shirt. "You'll have to excuse my appearance, I'm just trying to-" I look up and frown emmensely. "What the hell are you doing here?"
Trevor gives me a big grin as he side steps me (which seems a feat all its own in the little doorway) and walks into my apartment. He looks around and I close the door, mumbling about his intrusion.
"This is a nice place." He says, his accent coming out.
I notice he hides it at school to try and fit in with his new dwerby friends. I have to say that he is good at hiding it, considering that it's so thick. It's a weird accent but it comes out every so often.
"Yeah, it's cozy. Until unwanted company comes in." I say, crossing my arms over my chest. "Why are you here?"
"Just came to look around."
"Well, I didn't invite you in so get out before I call the cops."
"You're going out with that orange gorilla, right?" he says, running his hand over the table at the end of the sofa. "The hairy one."
"He's not a gorilla."
"Either way. He's your boyfriend, right?"
"Not yet..."
"Ah... so you are the slut everyone says you are." He says nonchalantly and a grin.
I smile at him too as I say, "Well, baby, no one knows how to make you scream like I can. I've got this body here to prove it." I say with a pat to my stomach.
Trevor smirks. "You always had a way with words, love. I just wanted to say something in regards to your hairy friend."
"What, pray tell, could you have for me, Trevor? You've had nothing to do with me since we got divorced."
"Just know this: winter is coming."
I lift an eyebrow. "Okay, Ned Stark, I'll keep that in mind."
"You don't understand. I mean it. Winter is coming and sometimes it brings more than just snow. There is fire in your wake, Arabella, and it's not the kind that you can put out with water."
"Is this one of your prophecy things? Because the last time I listened to one of your prophets, they got it wrong." I say with a sneer.
Trevor runs his fingers through his black hair and leans against the back of the couch.
"No. This is something that you need to know. That big galoot isn't all he seems to be. He's hiding something and you may not want to know what it is. You just might hate him."
"Kind of like how much I hate you? Because you're really starting to piss me off with your presence here, sweetheart." I say with clenched teeth.
Trevor gets up and heads toward the door, putting his hand on knob before he turns back to me.
"Arabella, you may not think I care about our child, but I do. I don't exactly want to be part of its life but I don't want harm to come to it. If you cherish the child as much as she show you do, then you will not associate with that hairy ape anymore."
"Your concern is no longer accepted, Trevor. That chance left with you walking out the door on me. Get out, seriously, before I call the cops on you."
He nods and yanks open the door. Bourne is standing in the door way and he looks up. Bourne looks down at him and it looks like Trevor hisses at him and Bourne growls, walking past.
"What was that dick doing here?" he asks, looking me up and down.
I get self conscious again and pull at the bottom of the shirt.
"He was quoting Game of Thrones and making me feel like crap again. Dogging you."
"Really? How is that?"
"He said you were dangerous... or at least I should not be with you.. You're not what you seem."
"Hmm... Is that it?"
"Pretty much."
"What's this Game of Thrones stuff you're talking about?"
"He was all like 'winter is coming' or whatever. It's no big deal, it's not like I'm going to believe him." I laugh but I notice that Bourne is quiet and I quiet down a little. "Um... is there something you are hiding?"
Bourne shakes his head. "Sorry. I was just thinking how weird he was."
I nod. "Yeah. Tell me about it. I'm going to go get dressed."
He nods and I go to get dressed.

A couple days later, Bourne picks me up and it looks like his face is pale under all that scruff.
"Bourne? Are you alright? You look like you might throw up."
"I haven't been feeling myself for the past couple of days but I assure you that I'm fine." He says with a tired smile.
I empathize with him and put my hand on his, jerking it back when I feel how hot he is.
"Bourne, you need to get your temperature checked! You feel like you're on fire."
"Don't worry, I'm fine. The cool air will help me out."
I lift an eyebrow at that but watch to make sure that he stays safe while he drives. He puts his hand on his face and runs it down, acting like he's really tired. He looks like he may just fall asleep if he doesn't pay attention.
"Um, should I drive, Bourne? You don't look so good."
"I'm fine. I know how to drive." He growls.
I sigh and look down at my baby bump.
"Are you sure? Ever since Trevor was over at the house, you've been acting a little strange. Like something has been bothering you. Did he say anything when you passed him by?"
I growl and just stare out the window. If he's going to be a butt about it, then I don't want to talk. I know when someone starts acting different, for it's happened too many times. I bet the belly is too much and he just doesn't want to say it. Whatever... I can take care of myself.

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