One, Finally.

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"Hobi can I ask you if-.." walking in to a stop as I notice he isn't here anymore. Closing the door awkwardly, feeling silly and looking around for him in the room.
"That butt." I say sternly while looking for a change of clothes, then undressing to get into a nice grey, knitted, long sleeve turtle neck. With a pair of black jeans I'm not one to care too much about fashion.

While placing my other foot into the pants, bent over and thinking what I'll have to wear for accessories to feel pretty today,

"Uh- whoopsie, I'll knock next time." HOBI WHAT.
I turn around to see him walking out the door on his phone,
"HEY!!" I quickly put the pants on properly as fast as I can then go for the door, zippering up and gunning down the hallway to see the backside of Hobi pacing fast. His head turning to look at me as I PACE EVEN FASTER "GET BACK HERE!" Feeling flustered but then not knowing what I'm doing, will I hit him? Or wait what? He stopped.

He turns fully, spreading his arms as much as he could in the hallway we're still in, I slow down almost to the figure that has a big smile. Gentle and playful.
"I'm sorry, it's not like I knew you were changing." He nods to make it obvious. I look at the phone in his hand and see the time. "I'm going TO BE LATE!!" I twist, to then start running for our door. "I'll talk to you later!!" I hear him yell from down the hall.

"Kookie~" Making his head tilt up and smile in return. I set my sketchbooks aside and sit next to him, we're in this classroom that's four times bigger than my dorm. My dorms an alright size. It feels so nice with the large windows bringing light in, with little sections of it opened for fresh air to think clear.

"So is there any ideas on what your project will be?" He asks, referring to the huge canvases we'll all have to paint on. Supposed to express what is happiness as in a true feeling we can try our best to see as a visual. We can choose to paint people figures, colours, other sorts of shapes. No words. So people can't do their stupid 'love' quotes thing.

"Yes!! Well I have ideas, this was only assigned yesterday, happiness being placed onto a canvas is an "iffy" for me." I pout and lay my head on the table still looking at the smiling Jungkook sitting beside. "Well I see what you mean.." he stares off after he replies. "But! Ha I know what I'm painting already." Saying proudly then flipping through his sketchbook, then gently letting the paper fall in front of me as I sit up, only to my eyes first meeting a female figure in the centre. Then around a town street setting, looks as to be based in time of olden. Nice shops on each side of the road that's wet from beautiful water reflecting all the pretty colours in the dark sky, like replacing the stars with cheer and bliss. A neat fall-yellow tree on one of the sides complementing the other colours.
"And this meaning happiness?" I question while lightly placing my fingers on at the edge of the designed paper.

"Yeah, you know for a 'one day'. Just seems like a-a vision of some sort. What I thought of before 'soon love to bring joy'. As if seeing the world more pretty-like after meeting someone special.."
I hum in response, noticing each pencil stroke along to create the female. Her having movement yet being still on the page. "This is astonishing, I know you're studying mostly in human anatomy now.. still though you're really good," I tell while admiring the placement of colours. The creamy coloured pencils that made it all so blended, fine mixture of pureness, charming with full deep goodness colours surrounding.
"It's only the rough copy, we have a chance to start the real one today. Plus it'll take awhile with the paint colours and blah blah blah." Kookie says with a chuckle, while I was totally lost in his work.

"Still Kookie, I can see it'll be AMAZING." I lightly yell with it still being Morning and trust me, with it just being my first Thursday class. There are definitely some already-grumpy-art students that I know of... but then I think to myself as he takes back the paper. "Don't feel too pressured though, I know how it feels when people expect only what they think will be the best." Telling while reaching for my book.
"It will be the best." He replies with confidence. Making me laugh, "Okay, it will."

"YAY!!" I turn around to see Hobi with his elbows bent and fists up in excitement. I join and "EEE!" Squealing after the announcements finish telling there's no school tomorrow do to problems with the lights?? Not caring after only catching the 'no school'. Yes it's only the first week but then really, I have more time to work on things.

"I have to work on so many projects already," Hobi complains while we both stand in the cafe line. Putting my phone in my back pocket I look up at him, arching a brow to meet his eyes that were staring. "Me too," I smile and then hug him, my arms around as I take a deep breath and let go to move forward in line of the cafe.

"How's Kio?" He asks standing behind, I look back, "she's fine, I was just texting her. She's about to do more training." I shrug to look up at the menu. Hobi must have a lot of work, he's been in art school for two years now.. I think?

Kio and I both laugh as we're under a blanket on my bed, then she shushes me quiet to then hear the door open and close meaning Hobi left to where ever he'll be. Then we both laugh out again to then stop to the door opening once more, "I'm coming back after midnight, text if you need anything." Then the doors sound of closing makes Kio to lift the blanket and move it off of us.
"Yuuuuh" she breathes in hard for non-stuffy air. I do the same and look at her standing up to get her phone.

"I'm pretty sure he likes you dude." Giving her a surprised look, "Duuuude stop. We went through this already," I say annoyed with an eye roll, she plops near me and taps away on her screen.
"We're only roommates AND I am not saying he's not attractive." As I too begin to tap away.
"Ooo yeah actually, but seriously," she begins, jumping up to sit properly making me pay attention, "is it like a flirty cliche-sex-with-roommate every now and then?" I push her to the end of the bed in frustration but she ends up pushing me back with her strong hockey arms and legs.

"Argh no! It's not like that and YOU know it."

"Fine. If you really don't have any action with guys here then I suggest-," "Nope! Nono don't continue I am not going on ANY of your blind dates anymore, they suck." I rudely interrupt with being blunt because last time-
"No wait. I know that last dude was, umm yeah anyways I was going to say," I sit here weirded out on how her face expression changed from a awkward way to full on smirk durning a pause.
"I want you to meet my main sugar-," as soon as she says the word 'sugar' I go, "ohhh my god" with my arms flailing up, "daddy! I know you'll like him."
Suddenly her hands placed down on top of mine, I move them quickly to then see her proud smile. "I mean I guess."
.. another pause with her staring at me,
"What?" I ask, "why are you looking at me like that?" She then swings her arms up, "We should find you a Sugary-Daddy!!" With a huge smile on her face. I think to myself.. that would actually be nice..



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