Two, Why?

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"It's late now, so I'll set up a date for me and him tomorrow. Tell him that he'll get to meet my best friend!!" "Okay okay wait you have to at least give me time to- WOW!!!" I stop to grab her phone that was in front of me, showing me another picture of this "Kim Seok-Jin. I call him my worldwide handsome," she explains. "I see why! Oh my wow what?" Seeing his precious appearance on the screen, "he does model work too." Kio adds proudly, I see why.. again, I would definitely be proud too..

"He bought you things, like what?" Being curious, I look at her smiling at the screen still.

"Ohh my god Y/N! He's bought me HOCKEY GEAR!! Like expensive pieces that just make me wet thinking about." She grabs her phone again, "Oh cool and ew,"
"I can't wait, he is soooo smooth with words and not at all awkward." While she finishes she hands me the phone to a new picture;

Then I start to swipe for more, "No! Wait!!" She snatched the phone in light speed as I let her.. "Oh my god eww you two exchange,?" She then nods and has a gross smirk.
"I mean I won't judge because WOW! Who wouldn't." "He's huge." "Kio!! I did not need to know that!! Jesus Christ my lord and saviour."
.. "Honestly if he looks like that I would expect a lot down there though." I admit, with Kio nodding to agree.

"Anyways.. it is a bit late so we should sleep for tomorrow! Eee." Excited, she says while laying down on my bed, "I call the wallll." "Ugh Kio I want the-." "Too late."
With us being comfortably dressed and ready for slumber, the lights are off and so are our minds..
"Y/N.." "Mm no" "Shh.. Y/N." to a soft voice calling out, why is he? He shushing me?
I open my eyes lazily to only being in a dimmed lighting, a pair of eyes staring at me from a above.
Being startled I jolt up, my head hitting,
"Dagh Y/N." .. Jimin? Cleaning my throat to speak, "Jimin, oh my gosh what are you doing here?" Sitting up then quickly going in for a hug, making me stop talking, embracing the boy I haven't talked to in awhile, seen for how long. "I know I know, I just," he pauses whispering, I inhale deeply for his scent. Not creepily I hope but he is aware I have always loved his scent since we were younger..

"I just wanted to give you something.." he admits.. okay? Realizing Kio is still here and not knowing the time I hush my voice to whisper back while parting our bodies, sitting back to see him.
"Alright, did it have to be now?" With my eyes adjusting to the outlines of his face, he nods surely and reaches in his pocket. Then I see a little box that appears black, then seems to turn deep red as it gets closer to my sight.
"This, this is a present.. it may be odd of me to do hah but uh I-," another pause, I sit here now awake as ever wondering what and why. Hearing Kio's light breathing.
Him, Jimin watching me warmly while holding the gift in both his hands. "I-I couldn't help myself." With little sound a chuckle escapes him.

"Umm," not sure what to say or do.. "Here I'll open it." He looks down at the box to slowly expose a dark rich colour of blood pendant. The serious silver chain shining to what ever light may be in the room.

The feeling of my eyes widening, a quiet gasp that can only be heard from the dead. I'm sure of it.
Bringing my attention to Jimin again to see the expression on his face like he got the reaction he expected..
"A necklace?" "You don't like it?" I hold up my hands, "No, I just didn't expect this." I bring my hands back to myself afraid I would some how break the expensive looking gift with a ever so small gust of wind.
"I just thought, umm you know.. Turn around, I'll put it on you." I look at him unsure, then his sweet smile appears making me calm down. It's Jimin. He was always so kind.
Watching his hands take the chain delicately, holding and letting the red diamond hang. Taking my time to praise the twinkle it gives off as it turns calmly. Then my view sharpen to Jimin's eyes behind the glistening. To see an even more glow of light, sparkle when staring back.
I turn around bringing my hair out of the way. To wait for his hand to come with the gift. Being in front of me, places onto my skin, the cold touching as I think of the feeling of such a thing. Then the chain settled around my neck. Assuming he's locking the hook, waiting for him to finish. I feel the touch of his two fingers come in contact of my neck. The feeling of his nails that caress and tickle along my skin. Making me to fasten on closing my eyes. Feeling for the moment. Slowly, I begin to lift my arm up to grab ahold, to gently graze against it. Then soon, daintily capture his artful hand.
"Uh- s-sorry Y/N. I didn't meant to be like this." He apologizes, turning around to open my eyes to see him worried. "It's alright Jimin." I look down to the thought of anything getting heated..
"It's late, contact me whenever you need." The sound of confidence back in his soft voice returns as I look at him again, him getting up to the door I follow and hug him from behind.
The thumping from his heart, the deep inhale of him relaxing as my arms around his form.

"GoodNight Jiminie." I release him as he opens the door slowly, I stand here staring at the floor to see the light enter from the hallway outside. The door opening as Jimins shadow appears but he doesn't move. Making me look up to see him facing Hobi.

Viewing Hoseok's confused self to stare at Jimin.
"Jimin? I haven't. What are, come here!" A bright smile spreads across Hobi's face as he squeezes Jimin in for a loving hug. "I'm sorry." Jimin again apologizes.
Wait.. they know each other??
"Don't be, just us all going our separate ways."
"You two know each other?" Hobi's eyes open to see me. And goes to his confused self again, "Y/N? Why are you awake?" I bring my finger up to shush him looking at Kio, she's a heavy sleeper but just to be sure. Jimin turns around looking guilty as Hobi scans Kio and then fixates his eyes on my neck.
"Jimin and I have known each other for many years now. Why are you wearing a necklace at this hour?" He stands beside Jimin and they look at one another as I look down to adore the gift once more. I don't know Hobi as well.. We met this year beginning the two weeks before school started because we share this dorm. Having no idea he knew Jimin or Tae that well enough, years of friendship. "How long have you and Tae known each other?" I ask, reaching the back to take the necklace off. "For again, many years I can say." Hobi answers while walking to his bed. "Look guys I have to go now, sleep well you two." Jimin says while at the door still.
"Jimin, make sure to get ahold of me anytime." Hobi blurts out as I walk towards him, closing his mouth shut. "Hobi please you're all drunk aren't you?" I haven't noticed till now.
"Jiminie?" I ask, to turn around to an empty door frame. I was going to thank him again.

"Ah-" leaves my mouth as Hobi pulls me beside him. Catching me out of no where in for cuddling. "Hobi wait. The door is opened." I wiggle around then notice the slight stench of alcohol roaming around me. "Hobi~ I'm serious." "Mhm." "Hobi?" .. "Hm?" ... "Let go." Then the time hits, feeling tired and comfortable in someone's arms, snuggling in more for his body heat. Not minding the smell I missed. Hobi's cologne with a budge of beer, I don't mind.



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