Five, Green.

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"So what are your thoughts on school here?" "It's great but there's too many ideas I can come up with and can't decide, it's tiring." I answer, then grab another fruit from the bowl.
We're watching a scary film on his laptop.
Laying on- you guessed it, his bed.
"I know what you mean. Most times it's really hard to think which would be best to impress." "Well yeah I feel like just because I'm in art school, I have to do what people would enjoy more on what I created. Not what I should be truly glad for." "As enjoying what you love." "Yeah! It's hard." "Yeah," he agrees. "See it as going with what you want to practice on, knowing that every piece is practice to what you'll soon love even more on the journey." Whoa that some what actually makes sense. "Every time is like practice," I whisper to myself but then again knowing he heard, "There is no end to art?" I ask, "Well no it's if you're proud of what you can create." "Oh that makes sense too." I nod and think of all the different types of art. "Painting, drawing, digital and sculptures. And other types is just- huh," my mind tries to think on what next to say. He leans to pause the movie then continues, "Yeah those are some and what most think of first as visual art. There's film making, photography, writing, fashion design and even music with dancing. Architecture, motion pictures and other little detailed topics to cover." As he lists I realize I never really thought of it. Only drawing and painting were in view. The school does make you do all sorts of classes but doesn't explain much. "Do they just want to figure out what art is ourselves? That makes me feel stupid now hahaha," I admit making him turn his head towards me, "They can some what guide us to what we view it to be but there are times when it's truly visible." He answers back, yeah I see why but it's stupid how they can't just tell us that. "I mean because I didn't know that before this so. I kind of see why, art is just what we see it as."  "Ah yeah, it's pretty great." "Yeah.. want to press play again?" I ask as I lean forward about to touch the key.
"Oh yeah," he nods and grins.
Sitting on the bed with the laptop across. A scene where a person is entering a 'haunted' house.. it's creepy.

With the bowl almost being empty I put that aside and scoot closer to him. Hoping he wouldn't really notice.
The view of the screen being dark including along side Hobi's eyes focused on it. I hide behind one of my hands only to peek over to see. "Ohh no," silently.
Then a 'to be continued' written in red grows bigger. "Huh," he begins. "I didn't see a second movie of this. Want to check?" "Honestly not really," "Ha aw I'm sorry." Hobi says then wraps his arms around my waist. "Oh, oppa?" "Hm? What?" ... "Do you want to cuddle?" I ask attempting to pout but break it by smiling, Being there in silence for a second. "Why wouldn't I?"
It should be close to noon by now. But I don't care and don't know since the window curtains are closed. And we have all day.

"Soo," I say while snuggled in. "Sooo," he continues comfortably. "What's your favourite colour?" I ask waiting for a reply right away, "Uh I would say- I don't know." "You don't know?" "Yeah, what do you think it is?"

We're now cuddling again, cozy and warm feeling. "Isss it yellow? Or, or brown?" "Mm nope and no." "Okay blue?" Adding another colour, "Do you even know me?" He asks teasing. "Wait is it green?" He laughs "Yes I think it is." "You said you didn't know," "I still don't I just think green is cool." His arms wrap around noticeably a bit tighter while chuckling. "Ah well that makes it your favourite then."
"What's your favourite colour?" His voice brings a bit of a chill as I feel him breathing on top of my head.
"Umm guess." He hums to think, "Hmm is it yellow? Pink? Or black?"

Starting to get warm to his touch I nudge against his chest and break free from his grip, looking up at him. His eyes open to meet mine. I reply, "To all of those, are a no." Making him nod and look up. My eyes still focused on his features, from his glossy eyeballs looking forward above me. To find my way down, staring at his lips that have movement.
"Grey?" He asks, "you wear a lot of grey." He claims to what is true.
"Not grey." His eyes look down in response as my gaze cuts and looks in his eyes.
"Is it green too?" I nod yes and sit up,
sitting on my knees beside him as he sits up with a smile. "Tell me why it's your favourite colour." My view changes from the messy bed sheets I'm in front of up to Hobi's stare. "Hmm I think it's from during spring I loved to look outside where I grew up to all the pretty and tall leafy trees, on windy days all the green that was there shifted and stood out yet all would have a beautiful blend." A side smile is what I receive from him. "That sounds relaxing." I nod and smile back, "Why is green your colour?" He looks away and puckers his lips to think. "Umm I just thought I looked great in it." Making me laugh at such an answer. "I see." .. "Let's have more snacks." He says while getting up, "Mmm yes."

———— "Come here," .. "please?" The low voice calls out from the dark, I'm sprawled out across my bed that I've been tossing and turning in. Maybe I was uncomfortable or.. really taking an effort for his attention.
With my opened eyes already settled on the darkened room, I make my tired body get up to and onto Hobi's bed again.
Grabbing his arm to wrap around me as I lie down. "Better?" His voice asks, "Mhm."
'Knock knock' I open my eyes to the sudden noice and look up to Hobi scrunching up his eyes looking at the door.
Pushing myself up, fixing my hair and clothing on my way to the door. Unlocking and slightly letting the hallway light enter while trying to focus on who's there. "Y/N?" Tae's deep voice squeaks in excitement, "Tae!" I open the door to jump onto him. "Answer your darn phone you used to be on it all the time."
Inhaling to smell him I nod, "Yes yes I know I'm sorry~" then hearing the door slightly creak to look back to Hobi's eyes squinting with his messy bed hair, bringing me to giggle to the cute sight, "Hey Tae." He greets "Hobi, were you sleeping? Sorry man." Tae apologizes and steps near him for their 'bro hand shake thing where they hit chests but their hands are holding in between'??? Thing.
I find it cool how guys do that, I've never tried.. I should ask Kio to practice with me. "It's all good I was just laying down." With Tae's back in front of me I throw my hands on his shoulders, wanting his attention. He turns again and that opens my view for a quick second to see Hobi looking confused and grumpy. "Y/N, I was going to ask if you wanted to hang this weekend." My head tilted up to see him ask, "Ah it has been awhile sooo of course," he nods with a smile. "What do you want to do?" Asking as I walk around him to see Hobi leaning on the door frame. "I'm just going back to bed, see you later man." Hobi gives a peace sign while walking back, "Yeah bye Hobi." I look back up to Tae as he looks to think, "We can go for a picnic since the weather will be nice out or we can go to all the random shops and eat whatever down the second street in town," catching his breath I smile to what he thinks of, I stand at the frame admiring his smile and appearance of warmth. "then after we eat we can either see a movie with a happy full tummy or just go straight to my place." I jolt up to what can come next. "For video games?!" I ask.
"For video games." He answers back softly. "If anything, it will all end with video games." I add and that makes him nod and chuckle. "Okay so I'll come on by later before noon." He says while his arm reaches up to the frame above my head, making my gaze to look up then into the clear and sheeny eyes. "See you tomorrow?" I ask for some reason.. "Yea you will ha," His figure leans in after letting go of the frame for me to hug, "Okaay, GoodNight be safe." "GoodNight." The tone being low and walking away.

"Hobi~" I say while closing the door, trying to cutely and sleepily drag my feet towards him. "Hm?" His tired self forces out, my eyes notice his outline as they adjust to the dimmed room. He lays on his back in the middle of the bed.
My knee sinks in the bed as I swing my other leg slowly to the other side of his body. I see his head move to the side, looking another way as I notice where I am.
Yes well.. okay this is a weird position for friends but hey it's comfy as hell and I've always loved it.
Making my legs spread then laying down gently placing my right ear on his chest then resting my arms to his side.
His breathing is soft yet harsh as the sound and feeling of his heartbeat goes off what I would think being a normal rate. My thoughts focused on that. Following along, thump thump, thump thump, thump thump, like counting sheep. Realizing how not tired I am but this is rather calming.
I lift my right arm, I watch it as I touch Hobi's arm spread out on the ledge of the bed. Lightly the feeling of his smooth skin to his twitch reaction. I notice the veins that pop out due to the lighting in the room. Starting from the furthest I can reach to his wrist, I trail towards me. Following the imaginary line it made to caress along his arm to then swirl circles where his sleeve ends near my face.
With time, an increase of his heartbeat is noticed. I smile, wanting to go along down his arm smoothly and gently again with my fingernail.
His breathing jolts and his bicep tightens when I proceed the circular motions on top of it.
The feeling of him clearing his throat and his chest moving more.
"That tickles." He lets out a little chuckle after I sit up onto both my knees still on top of him. Combing my fingers through my hair as I look up, then down to him looking at me.
"I'm not tired ha," I say, at the end I notice what actual positing we're in.


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