Eighteen, Cute.

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We just stand here, taking in each moment.
"You want to play a game?" He asks, I look over at him as he tilts his head to face me. I think about it and say, "Hell yeah." He has a visible side smile as I skip and follow him to his room again. "I just want to bring my things, we'll go to your room." I nod and wait for him at his door.
He opens the door, quickly taking my hand and leading me up the stairs towards my room. We both enter the coldness. He flops onto the bed first and pats down for me. I shuffle near and watch him look around.
"So, the game?" I ask as he sits down properly.
"Right right." He says.

Let's play a game where we ask each other things about ourselves." He says with confidence, ah I have no idea what I should ask him.. "Alright.."
"I'll start." He places his chin in his hands thinking. "What flavour of ice cream is your favourite?" I smile and think, "I love vanilla." He nods and waits for me.. first thing in mind. "Do you like Tv shows?" "I don't watch much, just whatever's on."
He thinks first, "Can you whistle?"
I laugh and nod no, "What?!" He chuckles cutely as I hide my face. "I'm serious."
We both chuckle awkwardly till I think of something.. "Winter or summer?"
He blankly stares at a wall, "I would say fall."


He continues quickly but smooth, "Whats the most comfortable thing you're wearing?"
Whoa umm, "This shirt." I feel warmth in my face.
With only a smirk he nods and lets me go again. "I don't know what else to ask." I admit, really there's no questions I can think of.... mind blank as I stare at his features.

His sweet smile shifts to a confused expression all together.
"Okay how about this," he starts to say, closing his eyes and raising his arms to continue to speak. "We ask questions about each other on the spot so who ever can go, just so we can get to know one another." His finger points up from the suggestion, I smile and nod. "Okay that sounds good."

He looks away while thinking. "I would like to ask some questions." His angelic self surface changes to a devilish smile paired with his now darkened eyes.
Looking shady and distant. I gulp at his side smile, which leads me to fidget with my fingers. Beginning to feel the heat in my face even more than ever.
"Now, what colour do you prefer on your skin, either light blue, white or black?" His eyebrow lifts as he asks. I shift around and look at him with a nervous smile, "White." He closes his eyes in surprise. "Mhmm." He moans aloud, puckering his lips to think. "Do you sweat easily?"
"It depends." I dare myself to say quickly.
The smile curls in excitement. "Now, does it take much effort for you to bruise?"
I cross my legs, what the hell is.. what do I say? Where is this going????&(8:&$,

"Yeah, oddly I am like a soft fruit." I laugh being nervous, his smile turns squishy and innocent, he sits up and stretches. I open my mouth but quickly bite the air I breathed in. "Hmm what else." He adds as he looks around the wide room. I shrug my shoulders not knowing what to even do.
I think of something, "As a child, what did you want to be?" He nods and thinks, "I don't know." His non caring face turns to look around again. "What about you?" Asking as his kind smile spreads. "Oh I'm not sure either."
Why is he being like this? He was so polite when I met him.. he can change I guess it's nothing to be afraid of.... he is basically a stranger still..
"You thinking real hard?" His voice chuckling as I give him my eyes. "Ah- yeah trying to a- yeah." I look down defeated and embarrassed.
"Do you like cold or hot." He asks. "Cold? I would say." Again I respond being obviously embarrassed by anything I do.

"Ask me anything dear." His voice surprises me. "Mm yeah I know I just um." He laughs quietly. Maybe I should ask what he's been up to lately.. that's lame but umm.
"So anything special you've been doing recently?" I let myself ask.
I wait for an answer. His self just sitting there.. rather cute honestly. "Well. Not really just looking on where to go, I'm pleased I asked you to join me." Me blushing to this trip being pretty interesting.......
"Right I'm glad I came."
"Let's get to the real stuff." He clears his throat and sits up more. His eyes now dark again amount his features being blinding from the lighting I thank god for. I feel as if I'm drooling over this model.
We're alone and he's hinted many times towards something throughout this time.. his lips parted while thinking. His eyes still focused on something just as I stare, how did I end up here or even be given this opportunity to be here with someone like him. What am I even thinking I still barely know him. But then again this is what sugar babies do with their.. yeah I don't know.
"What has you thinking my dear?" The shiny brown pearls stare, curious and cutely in front of me. I didn't even notice he moved closer. "Oh- uh nothing I was just. Thinking." "Mhm mhm about what really?" I grab my face and look away, "Nothing." "You are so cute like that." "D-what?" I look up.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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