Twelve, Different.

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"I miss you." I say with a shout, it's loud and dark out here. But I choose to only focus on the person I have at the moment, he's cold.
Silence goes by but I don't care. Standing motionless as he continues to be a human, breathing and letting me hug him.

Taking my chances, I look up. Meeting his beautiful eyes. His still face stares back, I smile lightly and hug him more. "I really did miss you Jimin." I say more again. The cigarette smell gets to me, so I cough and let go of him.

"Hahah I knew you wouldn't be able to take that in." He tells with a tired voice and pats my head, I smile after I finish and look at him again, he chuckled.

"What are you doing out?"
He looks off down the street, "Nothing."
"Oh.." umm, "Why?" "Just because." He says without care. "Why haven't we talked?"
The question deepens my heart, the sinking of feelings hit me hard, my eyes start to water.
"Well, it's just- please don't cry." He says stepping closer. His deep eyes under his hoodie show mercy, a human, a sorry human and I'm confused on who the Jimin is that ignored and kept away from me.
——"You sure you're okay?" Jimin asks across the dark room. Switching on the light to his apartment. "Yeah," saying, looking down then around to the boring setting. Nothing here other then ordinary housing supplies, I step forward to the place Jimin calls home. Surprised. The Jimin I knew before would have at least done something to the place. I didn't even know he moved out from his past roommates. It's sad yet an alright size to live in. "I know, it's a bit dull in here." I give him a startled look, "No- that's not why I was looking around." I hold up my hands as he just smiles back.
I can't lie, of course I missed him, still though. There's no way I can tell on why he hasn't talked to me.

"So.." I start.
"How have you truly been?" With sureness I watch his actions carefully. He leans back on the kitchen counter, his gaze away from me.
I feel warm and unready for his answer. "I'm still me, aren't I?" What the hell? What kind of question is that, how can I know.

"Why the hell would you ask that? It's not like I would have any clue." I tell without any care now, anger brings up as he begins to smile at the ground. I can't believe he has the nerve to ask that.
He looks up at me frowning. I relax my face as his elegant display takes me at aw. Breathing in hard as tilts his head, his ruffled hair brushing across the face he owns.

I watch his lips, "I was sure you can answer that properly." His smile appears once again. I gulp and think. Could I have? Have a proper response to such a stupid question..
"You are different." I bite my inner cheek as he steps forward, bringing his head to look up with a smile on his face still.
"I'm so happy you noticed."

His grin calms down as he turns, his eyes fixate on me soon after, I'm puzzled and slightly startled by what he said, I do my best not to show how I feel. "Why?" I ask, feeling cautious to who this new Jimin is.
I've never seen my old Jimin do that, with that smirk or how confident he seemed.
"No reason, just growing up I suppose." He shrugs his shoulders and makes his way, turning around to walk in his wide living room.

I follow him, only curious to what he can say.
His serious face looks at me, I stand still staring back.
"Want to sit?" He asks, his eyebrows furrow, he licks his plump lips while taking a seat. I nod and do so too, keeping my eyes on him.

"How have you been?" He adds to ask, I look away and wonder how I can tell him. "Nothings new hah, just uh same old me." I smile and shift around. "Yeah right," he asks jokingly. "Let me guess? Creepy boyfriend? Stalker or lost your job." I look at him confused to why he would think that, as I was about to open my mouth, "I'm only guessing since you seem really sad and stressed." He takes his time to lick his lips after saying that.
.. I only sit here with a face staring at him, struggling on the words I can say. "I was only because you left me." It bluntly leaves my mouth. I sit formal not wanting to be here.
He only sits with those aware eyes, the soft lips calmly opened to the slightest bit, his hair exposed from his hoodie laying on his dear forehead. "I have to leave."
I stand up, march to the door to quickly put my shoes on, the sound of me opening the door without hearing any steps behind me. I leave. Outside in the cold. Not minding after I realize what a jerk he was playing as.


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