The Dream

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I fell asleep quickly by Dark's side. I was in a dark room. "Dark are you there?" I said plainly looking around. "Y/N run... RUN!" Dark's voice sounded. I saw a raging beast coming straight at me. It's eyes full of blood and hate. Fire raged from them. The black scarred body moved like a jet. I spun around and ran. Dark was beside me but he looked different... he looked so much more powerful. "Keep running I'll fight Deathstrike until you are far enough away." Dark said stopping. "Are you insane?!?!" I cried out wanting him to run with me. I'll be fine! Just run!" Dark yelled at me his voice harsh. I ran for it. Thank god the dream changed cause that one gave me a heart attack. I moved along a dark alley way until I saw Dark. He was king... a beautiful sword at his side. He turned and looked at me. "Y/N if only you weren't human... then we'd still be here... together." He let out a long sigh. "What do you mean?!? I'm right here!!!" I yelled really loud. As if he never knew I was there. "Dark! Dark!" I screamed as I followed him. We went into a graveyard and then I saw my name on the gravestone that Dark was standing in front of. It read "died honorably, a sacrifice" I stumbled back with mixed emotions. Dark laid flowers at the grave... my grave... "you shouldn't have sacrificed yourself for me...." Dark cried. I started crying. I must of cried so much because the next thing I knew I was panting awake beside Dark's sleeping body.

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