Ch.19 | Guy's Night Out - Part 2

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| Mark's POV |

"Whoa, where are we?" Connor slurred as Red and I struggled to carry him along the sidewalk.

"We're on Fourth Street." Red deadpanned, having answered that same exact question for the last ten minutes. "And before you ask again, in three seconds we'll be on Fifth Street." He rolled his eyes to the sky.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Man... we walk fast." Connor squealed, trying his best to place one foot in front of the other.

"You better pray that the girls forgive us for our weird visit." Red stated as he looked around Connor to me.

"Why are you looking at me? This was all Connor's idea." I glared.

"Well he's your best friend. You should know how much alcohol he can handle." Red huffed, looking a little tired from carrying Connor. Let's just say Connor isn't very light and our thirty minute walk has turned into almost an hour of struggling to carry Connor down the empty streets with our arms locked around his shoulders.

"A. Connor is a big boy and can handle himself. I don't need to be his baby sitter. B. You were so excited to go over to Naveah's to see Callie, so I don't want to hear it Mr. Make's out on the couch for twenty minutes." I huffed, struggling to keep Connor upright.

"Well let's just hope that Connor's parents aren't home yet. I really don't need them calling my folks. I'm already swimmin' in murky waters when it comes to the rents. Especially after missing curfew over my last DJ gig."

"How did you get into that anyway?" I asked, trying to keep Connor from pulling us towards the lizard that sat on the edge of the curb.

Red yanked Connor back and we locked him back into place between us before we continued walking down Sixth Street.

"Well, I've always been a lover of music ever since I was little and I got to sing for my mom's church. What really got me interested in just the music and beats aspect of it all, was this guy I saw one night playing nothing but a bass guitar in the middle of a sidewalk. I don't know how, but the song he played fit well with only a bass guitar. I just always had a spot inside for music. One summer my buddy from back home bought this used DJ turntable and I don't know... I just became infatuated with it. Ever since that's all I've wanted to do." He shrugged, still trying his best not to drop Connor.

"My parents bought me my newest turntable last Christmas, and told me I could start playing gigs only if I keep my grades up. So, I've been busting my ass ever since as far as academics go." He smiled.

"Wow, that's cool. I wish I had something like that. Something that I'm infatuated with that I am able to do every day. It must be nice to know what you want and are able to have it." I sighed, looking away and into the distance ahead.

"Yeah, my rents are pretty cool. How about yours?" He asked, and I instantly wanted to change the topic of conversation.

"Uh, well... never really knew my dad and my mom is a raging alcoholic. Let's just say that my childhood wasn't one from an old blockbuster." I chuckled, though it was a dry and pained laugh.

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