At School Part 2

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Peter's POV 

"Why" I ask finally. I know it's stupid but I can't help but ask. "Why am I being taken, to what I assume is hell from what you just said, when I've done nothing wrong?" I still have a blank face but I know that if you look into my eyes you can just see the curiosity in them. 'Damn it! MJ never taught me how to perfect the dead shark eye look.' I curse myself in the head. "Because you haven't signed the Accords, which means that you refuse to and that means you are breaking the law."

I know he can see the anger in my eyes and hear it in my voice but I don't care "First of all, I've never been asked to sign the accords and I doubt you had some sign up sheet at school or anything so really it was more like I wasn't allowed to sign the accords. Second of all, I'm pretty sure that I'm still human, I'm still an American citizen so shouldn't I get due process just like everyone else or have I somehow turned into a wild animal just because I have powers?" I ask him accusingly but he just stares at me unimpressed and is about to turn around before I say something else.

"You're psychotic." I say in a weird tone that even I can't recognize and it catches his attention for some reason so I continue. "Your men would have killed children! Students that weren't even 16 yet just to get to me. Not to mention They would have killed the principal." I say and he just stares at me for a moment until he asks "And how would you know they weren't just trying to intimidate them?"  'Yes! They don't know about my spidey sense but I still have to convince them that I knew it anyway. Shoot!'  I scramble my brain for something to say and try to be genuine so he believes me. 

"I saw the robber who killed my uncle. I saw how his hand squeezed the trigger before firing the gun. Do you honestly think that's not burned into my brain?" I ask quietly looking at him like I was daring him to say something about Uncle Ben. He sighs and looks bored "Weeping over death is such a waste. You have to fight until you can't feel a thing, that is the perfect human." he tells me and that just makes me angrier. 

"That sounds like the perfect robot soldier. Emotions don't make you weak they make you human and that just gives more to fight for." I start angrily "If you don't care about the thing you're fight for than why are you fighting at all!? Money?! I know that money isn't worth risking your life and probably dying over!" I yell just getting started. He sees this and looks to the guy on the right of me looking bored but there is something in his eyes that I can't identify right away. 

"12 doses! Now!" he commands, I turn and see a syringe go into my neck and the next second all I see is black.

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