Sweet Sixteen

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Peter's POV

As we land on the helipad of the compound I wake up and stretch my body like a cat. I climb into bed with Wade and wake him up by petting his hair. "Hello pretty." I say once he opens his eyes. We both get up and get dressed in the extra clothes Ms.Romanov brought. After that we head towards the entrance of the quinjet, almost everyone is already off .

As we head inside veveryone is pretty quiet not sure what to do. Thankfully, Tony takes the lead, like always.
"Okay everyone since this is basically Peter's sixteenth birthday party I'm going to go order cake. Go to theater 6. FRIDAY will guide you."

We all make our way into the elevator and to theater 6. It's basically a big couch with a couple separate chairs spread out and of course a huge screen. Everyone settles in and it's basically one big puppy pile.

Aunt May, MJ, and Ned are already there when we arrive so we form our own little group still close to others but not so much you can't distinguish a certain disconnect. The others already called their people so they get together with them. Most of the couple's are in separate chairs but almost everyone is on the big couch.

Tony comes in with Happy, Rhodey and Pepper, all handing out cake. We make sure they see the spaces we've left them on our little side of the couch so everyone settles in and the movie starts.

Not many people make it to the second movie, most are asleep. I am tired but I'm also afraid. I'm so afraid that if I go to sleep this will all have been a dream. As if sensing my inner turmoil Tony turns to me.

"We've got your back kid. Go ahead and sleep."

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