Comfort pt.1

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Peter's POV

I slowly regain consciousness as I blink away left over tears. My head aches like motherfucker and I can't help but panic thinking I'm back in that room when I hear voices. I start thrashing again but realize that I'm not strapped down. I come back to reality when I hear Wanda's voice a little ways away.

"Peter wake up!" She pleads. I try to get up but I keep stumbling and faltering. I can tell the others are trying to encourage me but I need a second. I lie on the ground and wait for the world to stop spinning.

"Ok....ok... The room stopped spinning. I think I'm good." I say as I start to get up. "Nope" I turn around and throw up in the toilet. I look down and all I see is blood. "That's not good."

"Peter what's going on?" I can hear the worry in Scott's voice as I try to catch my breath. It takes me a minute to be able to talk "Oh nothing much" I respond "Just trying to keep my insides from becoming my outsides. No biggie smalls. Get it? Cuz you're Ant-Man."

"This isn't a time to joke. What happened out there and what did you do last night? You stayed up for hours." If Clint is saying it's not a time to joke then you know it's serious. I heave myself into a sitting position so I can kind of see them and they can see me.

"Do you want the long story or the short one?" I ask trying to ignore the taste of blood in my mouth. If I have to tell them the long story with that taste in my mouth I'm gonna hurl again.

"We want the entire thing." Sam demanded. It's weird he has this tone of voice that makes it sound like he's only suggesting something and full on demanding something at the same time. "Let me catch my breath and collect my thoughts first."

I look down at my arm again and see physical proof that I'm alive. That I won. This is just a reminder that I won this battle. Now I just gotta win the war. I take a deep breath before starting.

"After I taunted him to get him off Wanda's back, he took me into this room. Same table with the restraints as most of the others. I was strapped down and he wanted give me a souvenir. So he carved his name into my arm. And when I first saw it when I was back in my cell all I think was that 'That's gonna be there for when I graduate highschool, when I go to college, when I get my first job, when I have kids. On my wedding night' and I couldn't let that happen. And hey if it would also be a huge 'Fuck You' to Ross then 'two birds with one stone' right?"

"I don't like where this is going." Scott said, I looked over and saw varying looks of terror/anger on each of their faces. "What did you do?" Wanda asked but by that look on her face she could already guess.

"I looked around my for anything that could help with what I had in mind. I was so desperate that when I looked at me bed frame and saw one of the screws was just a little loose I unscrewed it and got to work. For hours I worked at changing the filth on my arm to something a little more manageable."

I hear them all gasp or choke back tears.

"I made sure the blood covered my entire arm so you couldn't see what I did. When the guards put me in another room with him he looked so please with himself. He gave me a rag to clean my arm with so I could see his 'souvenir' clearly. I made sure he couldn't see my face or my arm and tricked him into thinking I was crying."

I looked up when I heard a heartbreaking sob come from Wanda. The others had tears running down their faces too. I thought I heard Wanda say 'Pietro' under her breath.

"I faked this maniacal laugh I must have looked so crazy but it didn't matter. The look on his face when he saw me laughing was worth it though, even more so when he saw what I'd done to his precious souvenir. Of course he didn't let me have the last laugh."

I took a deep shaky breath before telling them what happened in the other room. I could still here their screams even now.

"He took me into another room. This room had eight huge speakers and one of the walls had a one-way glass window in it. I could see him anyway cuz I'm just that awesome and I made sure he knew that."

I could see Wanda and Clint give a little sad laugh at that. I sent them a little grateful smile as I was preparing myself to say the next few sentences.

"There was a lady in the other room who controlled the speakers. She turned them on and all I could hear was screaming. Just high pitched mixed screams and yeah it was annoying and kinda scary at first but then I recognized the screams. MJ's, Ned's, Wade's, Aunt May's, Happy's, Ms.Potts', even Mr.Stark's. Don't know how they got the screams to sound like them but I wasn't really concerned about that at the time. The lady kept turning the volume up and I just couldn't take it anymore. I smashed my head back on the table until I knocked myself unconscious."

I could drown in the horrified silence that followed so I just shut my eyes and waited for the questions or tears. Whichever came first I didn't care since I was probably gonna pass out from the migraine I just had.

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