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Peter's POV

"I didn't get to save the Damsel in Distress." I hear Wade wine into my chest where he's buried his head. I chuckle and pet his hair. "Instead I became the Damsel in Distress."

I rock him back and forth as he falls asleep since it took all his energy to regenerate. I put him back on the bed and pull the blanket onto him I close the medical wing door and walk to the main area.

I sit down next to Tony and lean into him. I can hear Clint about to speak but Tony shushes him. "Hey Pete.. you okay?" He nudges me to wake me up a little so I open my eyes and look at him. "Yeah, the adrenaline just wore off a little."

"Okay... By the way happy late birthday." It's like I could hear a record scratch. I sat up and open my eyes and looked at the floor. "When?" I kept my voice void of emotion. I didn't want them to hear the defeat I felt. "Three days ago." The day I mutilated myself and then got tortured with the screams of my loved ones. Fitting.

I quickly straighten me back and stare forward, determined to look past it. "When we get back. Everyone is going to go to the theater. We are watching Star Wars until we fall asleep." I turn to everyone besides Tony and Rhodey. "Call your friends and family. I don't care about secret identity bullshit I just want to spend my sixteenth birthday surrounded by my family, friends and future friends." I turn back to Tony.

"Can I have a phone?" He gives his to me silently and I don't bother to walk away as I call my Aunt May first.

"Hello? Tony? Did you find anything?"
"Hey Aunt May."
Oh my god! Peter! Oh I'm so happy! Where are you? You're with Tony right?!"
"Yeah. We're on a quinjet. We'll be at the compound in an hour. I'll call happy and he'll pick you up in 40 minutes."
"Oh Peter. It's so good to hear your voice honey."
"You too Aunt May. I love you."
"Love you too."
"I gotta call MJ and Ned."
"Ok I'll see you soon."

I quickly dial the next number that I have burned in my heart and mind.

"Who's this? What do you want?"
"Hey MJ."
"Parker! Where the fuck are you?! You better get back to New York now! You missed Decathlon."
"Yeah I missed you too."
"Where are you?"
"I'm with Mr.Stark. Listen I know it's like 2 am but I'm gonna have happy pick you up in 40 minutes to take you to the tower so we can celebrate my birthday with Star Wars.
"Ok you better get me fucking Starbucks.
"Love you too Michelle."

I dial Ned next.

"Peter!? Dude where are you? Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm good. I'll explain when you get to the compound. Happy will come get you in 40 minutes."
"You better give me the full story. U-unless it gives you a panic attack."
"It's fine Ned."

I hang up and give the phone back to Tony. I face the others and make sure they're calling all their people. After that I go back into the medical wing and lay on the floor next to Wade and fall asleep .

Hell!.. With friends?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum