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Peter's POV

"Hiya Webs didya miss me?" Deadpool stands in the bust open entrance with what looks like Iron Man, War Machine, Vision, Captain America, The Wasp, and Black Widow.

"Took you long enough." I respond, beaming like a lovesick puppy. The others have gotten over their shock by now and are smiling in relief as well. "Now get me out of here. I think I'm late for decathlon." He steps into the room walking towards me but get thrown back by the force of multiple bullets.

Everyone's heads whip towards a conveniently hidden door that has Thaddeus Ross standing in front of. His face is bloody and he looks like one giant bruise but he still has a gun and a murderous intent in his eyes.

"NOO!" I scream and throw myself at my cell doors ripping them of their hinges, I immediately run towards Ross and knock him out. I kick his gun far away from him and run back to Wade. Tony and Rhodey come towards me while the rest go to their respective counter parts.

I check the damage on Wade and immediately see he's not gonna make it. I hate Everytime he has to regenerate but the only thing I can do is make it comfortable for him. I wait until everyone has had their little reunions until I get their attention.

"Okay! Everybody listen up!" They all turn to me with as much attention as they can give while also reassuring their partners. "We have to get out of here fast so Vision get that damn collar off Wanda. Ms. Romanov, I assume you brought more comfortable clothes than what we have on and I also assume they're on the quinjet you guys took here so everyone grab your emotional support superhero and let's get going." I turn to Tony.

"I'm going to need a basic first aid kit and a table which I know you have on the quinjet. You lead the way back so you can blast any people coming at us and Mr.Rhodes will bring up the rear to watch our backs." I quickly hug him as tight as possible and whisper in his ear. "We can have our tearful reunion at the compound. Just trust me and do what I say. Please."

His face has a mixture of amused, exasperated, and proud so he turns around, activates his helmet and fires up his repulsors. He walks out of the room and I see the others start to follow him as I pick Wade up and start to follow them.

We get onto the quinjet without any interruptions. I find the little medical wing of the quinjet and put Wade on the table. I see Dr. Helen Cho start to come towards me but I wave her away. At her confused look I quickly explain.

"It's not because I don't trust you, I do but Wade prefers that I do it. You're an amazing doctor and everything I know was on YouTube so it's not anything about your skills. Can you go check on Wanda, please, they really didn't like her."

I turn back to Wade and quickly set aside everything I'll need. I cut open the top of his suit and get to work removing the bullets. He always said when he woke up they always felt unpleasant in his chest. I clean the wounds and patch them up. I start making him comfortable. Running around the quinjet and getting blankets. I put them next to Wade and go back for more and distribute them around. I make sure he's definitely ok and then sit down and sigh.

"Uhh.. Pete?.. I don't think he's alive."

I hear Clint say in the background. The dead silence following is awkward but I can't help but chuckle. Unfortunately, that sets off a series of maniacal/manic sounding laughs. I don't know why I'm laughing but it's too late to wonder because by then I'm crying.

I see Tony come over and hug me and I quickly attach myself to him trying to stave off a panic attack. It takes a couple minutes to calm down but I eventually stop crying and look over to see Clint looking like he accidentally killed his puppy.

"I am so sorry. Oh my God I don't know you were gonna cry I'm sorry." He starts trying to apologize a million more times but I stop him before he can get too far.

"No it's ok. You don't know anything about Wade." I open my mouth to continue but Sam interrupts. "That's Wade?" His voice is comically incredulous. I can't help but Huff a laugh and look back at Wade's still form. He looks like he's regenerating a little faster than normal so that's good. "Yeah. That's Wade." I whisper.

They all wait for me to talk again since they want to start asking question but they can sense I'm not ready just yet. I keep looking at Wade as I think about what I'm going to say.

"Wade's my boyfriend. He's about 22 or 23. No we haven't had sex yet, Wade's not a pedophile. We mostly just hold hands and cuddle. His alter-ego is Deadpool. He's a kind of mutant. He's pretty much immortal he can heal from anything. He used to be a mercenary but he stopped that when he met me. I met him a couple months after I turned 15 and my 16 birthday is in a couple weeks. He's never pressured me into anything. He's amazing and makes me happy. You can disapprove just don't disrespect."

I turned around to talk to them mid-speech so when I finish and feel arms wrap around my waist I spun around and hug Wade back.

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