Bonding...? Part 2

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Peter's POV

"Uuuh we-well." I start nervously. I never had to explain the whole story before, no one asked me. Wanda just reassures me with "Don't worry we won't judge just start from the beginning and pretend we're not here."  'I don't really think that will help either though because it just means I'm talking to myself but here goes nothing'

"Well I uh got my powers from a genetically altered spider." I hear Clint snort but I just ignore him. I want to get this over with.  "I didn't really care that I had powers, I kinda just ignored them at first but uh one night I had a big fight with my Aunt May and Uncle Ben. I left to go get something to cool down and there was this robber in the store I was in he gave me the drink I was too short to afford and ran. The guy behind the counter yelled at me to go after him and it would have been so easy to just run after him but I didn't" 

I know I can feel some tears leave my eyes but I don't wipe them away 'You deserve this' I scold myself 'YOU let Ben die' I continue even though everyone is looking at me like I'm going to explode. "Unfortunately, Ben had just turned the corner on the street I was on, heading straight toward the robber. He tried to stop him but he shot Ben before he could do anything. The last words my Uncle Ben said to me were 'With great power, comes great responsibility.' So now I live by that motto." I look up to see Sam's and Scott's horrified faces but Wanda and Clint just look like they've been through what I have. 

"If you have the ability to help you have a responsibility to help. I try to think of that everyday when something goes wrong now." I finish expecting everyone to comment things but everyone is quiet. Sam break the silence with a question "You said some people die. Who Peter?" I didn't expect him to ask that.

I look down while I answer "I can remember everyone I've ever failed, Uncle Ben, Gwen Stacy, Captain Stacy, , Kurt Connors, Otto Octavious, Harry and Norman Osborn, and so many others that have been either muggings gone wrong or just some of my bad days." I know I'm crying at the mention of Gwen but she was my best friend and first girlfriend "Gwen was My girlfriend and Captain Stacy was her father. Harry was my best friend but he turned into the second green goblin using Norman's formula he left behind." 

I sniffle as I look up at everyone and take in their reactions. Clint's face is unreadable but his eyes are hard, Wanda looks so sad I half-expect a river to flow from her eyes. Sam look overall horrified and Scott looks like he's going to throw up. The silence is suffocating so I just stay quiet for now...

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